Wilbur Soot x GN!Reader - I'll Never Be Real

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I don't know what I was doing with this honestly. Sorry that it's awful lol

Word Count: 1,361

"(y/n)! Finish up these dishes before you leave!" Your boss yelled at you from his office, making you groan. For context, you work in a restaurant. And at this place, you are not only a server, but the host. Working at a severely under-staffed restaurant is the worst. And your place of work is so under-staffed that today you were filing in 3 positions. Waiter, host and dishwasher. Thankfully it wasn't busy as usual, but its still sucks.

"Dude, how the hell do you do it?" Your co-worker who was a chef leaned up against the sink while you put on the yellow rubber gloves. The external texture of them were bad enough, so putting your hand inside them was just making this day worse.

"Bill." Your voice as tough as a brick wall, giving him a stare that could kill him instantly. He shot his hands up, palms facing outwards by his chest as he walked away from your working station. You had already been here 30 min past your ending time and having Bill blab in your ear about how "hard the kitchen is" was not something you needed right now.

Thankfully, it wasn't a lot, so after your duties, you clocked out and walked to your car.

"Fuck man... why me.." You say as you get into your car, placing your forehead on the steering wheel. You were so exhausted that your only thought was 'get home and pass out'. So thats what you did. Drove the 25 minute commute home, got home, went straight to the couch and fell asleep. No changing, no food, no nothing.

"Finally.. a minute to relax.." You sighed to yourself, letting the hard day roll off your shoulders and allow the soft hands of sleep to take you wherever it pleased. It couldn't have been long before something felt.. different... A good different even.

"Hungry?" A man with a British accent asked you, your senses coming back to you. The smell of eggs and steak filled your nose, sending off that happy chemical in your brain you haven't felt in so long.

"Uhm, just a little.." You rubbed your eyes as you sat up, letting the blanket fall to your lap. This happens every night. The random man, the food, the warmth.. it was all the same.

"(y/n), you can't keep doing this to yourself, y'know?" He said, his voice gentle but stern. The plate was sat down in front of you, a small smile on your face. You hadn't eaten in for what felt like forever. He was the only one who actually made sure you ate.

"Will, I don't need a lecture right now.." You mumble, taking the fork and getting some of the egg that had been prepared for you. Wilbur, the man in your dream that has been mentally taking care of you for some time now, sat down next to you on the bed. 

"I don't care if you don't need it, nor want it. But you need to know-" Wilbur put his hand on your shoulder, making you shrug it off.

"That I need to quit that place and find somewhere better. Yeah, I know..." You groan, setting the fork down. You no longer had an appetite. Wilbur took a deep breath, putting his hand down on his lap. The room fell silent until the door slammed open. Right on schedule.

"(Y/N)!" The blonde teen yelled, proudly standing in the doorway. Tommy held Tubbo's arm, dragging him along. Which also brought the newest member of their group, Ranboo along with.

"Tommy, I just woke up dude..." You cover you ears, making the blonde roll his eyes and walk into the house further. You uncovered your eyes and tilted your head, looking up at him from the comfort of your bed.

"Come mining with me." He demanded, looking back down at you. You blinked a couple times at him before looking over at Wilbur with a 'are you fucking serious' look. But the man knew what to tell his brother.

"Tommy, they can't right now. It was a long day at work." Wilbur stated, standing up to properly talk to his brother. Tommy's shoulder fell down, all of his confidence leaving his body as he walked out the door.

"It's always work." Tommy mumbled as he left. Tubbo and Ranboo re-assured (y/n) that they'd take care of him and wished them a restful visit. (y/n) hung their head, feeling bad about blowing Tommy's plans off again.

"Okay, lay back down. Get more rest." Wilbur put the blanket back over you, patting your back and going to clean up his mess. You look around, confused as to why he's telling you to go back to bed. He never says that.

"What?" You ask, making him turn around with a pan in his hand. Your voice was quiet, almost trembling. Why was it doing that? What was happening??

"Go back to bed." He said again, his head cocking to the side a little before he turned back around. You shake your head and remove the blanket, getting up. You grab the pan, making Wilbur give you the nastiest side eye you've ever received from him.

"Listen, we don't spend any time together. You're in my head and I'm not. This is the only time we get to actually talk to each other face to face. And you're telling me to go to bed? You know what that means right?" You look at him, finally noticing the tears in his eyes. You move back a little, allowing him to put his hands on the counter in front him.

"(y/n) we can't keep this up. You need an actual partner. I'm not real, I never will be. You can't keep coming back here, and I won't let you." Wilbur said, wiping his eyes before gently grabbing your hand. It's happening, he's making you leave. You saw it coming, but was does it hurt so much?

"C'mon, let's take a nap, shall we?" He smiled, his voice quiet and he squeezed your hand a little. You had to agree. This was it, your last moments with him. Make the most of it.

You two laid on the bed, him gently cradling you in his arms. You'll never forget the feeling.

"Will?" You mumbled, your voice slightly muffled from being held against his chest. He only hummed in response, continuing the gentle rubbing motion on your upper arm.

"Can you sing for me? Just a song, any song.." You asked, making him chuckle a little. And there he started, singing some song you had never heard. It was soft and gentle, like a lullaby. And just like that, the sleep was taking you over again.

And just as fast, you heard the dreaded sound of your alarm going off for another day of work. A piece of you told you to ignore it and text your boss. 



I quit. I can't do 3 jobs at once anymore.
I will not be coming into work today.

What?(y/n) we can talk about this more
when you come in. We open in an hour. 

I'm not coming in. Please do not contact me.

You happily put your phone down and sigh, standing up.

"There Will. You happy?" You stretch, your mind making up his voice yet again. Your brain placed him in the hallway, a smile on his face with his arms crossed.

"Sure am, darling. Now go take care of yourself." He said as he vanished away. You knew he wasn't real. And sadly you got attached to him. You knew he was a ghost. You knew everyone was. It was a gift of yours since you were a kid. 

It was 2080, Wilbur Soot had died not too long ago. No one knows what happened, but his spirit found you and attached himself. As for the others, you don't know if they're dead or alive. Or if they're actually the people they say they are. 

Happy Halloween:)

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