Dream x fem!reader- When Manhunts Collide

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Word Count: 1,582

“Oh (y/n)! Get back here!” My friend yelled as she chased after me. Full armor, shield and an iron sword is what she had. I had only a helmet and a wooden pickaxe. Why? Because I had to find food before anything. Food and wood was my main focus. But since three people were after me, it was easy for them to get all armored up before coming after me.

I ran until my legs felt like giving out. I avoided a distant village so I could go back to it without any problems. My vision started to fade and I was running out of breath. We had been running for miles and Joan seemed like she wasn’t dying at all.

“Joan! Get back over here! We need help!” K yelled over the ear piece we all had.

“You got lucky, girl!” Joan started running back. I stopped and sat next to a tree, grabbing some steak and having just a bite. My hunger was low, but thankfully I hadn’t taken any damage. I wearily get up and start jogging to the village I had found behind me. Once I had made it, I started scanning the area, taking some hay from their barrels to make bread later on.

“Oi, watch it.” A British accent scolded me as he walked past me. He looked like Joan, except male.. and British.. He had full iron armor and a stone axe. He had brown hair that almost covered one eye, with a blue shirt underneath his armor. He wore these round glasses that had a white rim, making his glasses stand out more than his eyes.

“George! He went this way!” Another voice rang out, his seeming more urgent then ‘George’s. I turn around to where the voice was and it seemed to be another friend of his. He was tall-ish with black hair that was mainly held in place by a white bandana. His shirt had scold marks that look like they were made by a fire. His only armor was iron pants and a helmet. He had a compass in his hand and waved it above his head. Wait, who’s ‘he’?

“So that mean’s Dream’s already been here?? Damn it!” George kicked the ground and ran back to his friend, following him back the other direction. I watched as the walked away and continued on my way, getting whatever supplies this Dream guy left behind. Which wasn’t much.

~Time Skip~

After I came through the portal that brought me back home from the Nether, I glanced around and saw a desert temple.

“Guys! She’s not in here anymore!!” Des yelled as the other two grounded and started to find their way back to the portal. Which meant I didn’t have a lot of time. I ran towards the temple and went in, thankful that no mobs weren’t in there.

“Oh Dream!!!” A familiar British voice yelled from outside the temple, making me panic more than I already was. How were they here?? I broke one of the corners of the ground and fell in, surrounded by 4 chests. Footsteps ran through the temple, followed by male screaming. I quickly loot the chests and dig my way out. I didn’t get the TNT for one reason.

“Go away Sapnap!!” A new voice called out, followed by a ‘no way’ from the other familiar one. I had my bow pulled back and ready to shoot the pressure plate.

“He’s drinking a potion!” ‘Sapnap’ called out before screaming as panicked footsteps ran through the temple once again.

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