Awesamponk and GenderNeutral!reader- Protection

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Hi guys! I have gotten requests to start writing more for Gender Neutral and Male readers, so I tried my best! I'll definitely start doing more GN and Male readers in the future, I just do females because I find it easier, so I'm willing to challenge myself! I apologize for such a short chapter, I'll get another one out tonight (it's another Ranboo one <3) that will be Female then I write a male one and have that done by tomorrow! Much love!! <33


Word Count: 627

"Puffy have you seen Ponk??" (y/n) asked, their voice showing how scared they were. The chatbox had shown that Ponk had died several times, once by "The Wardens Will" then a bunch of other times while trying to "escape" from Sam's attacks.

"No, I haven't.. I'm sorry. I heard he did go to the prison though." Puffy apologized and informed (y/n) before going back to what she was doing originally. They huffed then ran towards the prison, knowing that nothing good could be happening there. First Tommy died and now something is going on with Ponk?

"SAM LET ME IN!" (y/n) yelled as they ran inside then slammed their hand on the obsidian portal. But there was no response. That is until the portal signaled that someone was coming through and (y/n) quickly backed up. And there was their older brother, clutching his arm while blood quickly left it.

"PONK!" (y/n) dropped to her knees and quickly took her jacket off, quickly wrapping it around the others shoulder.

~Time Skip, sorry besties~

"(y/n) please open the door." Sam begged on the other side, flowers in one hand and the other empty.

"Sam, I'm not letting you in. Go away before I make you." (y/n) said harshly from inside the house, looking at their sleeping brother on the couch. The only positive thing that Egg has done was "give" Ponk a working arm so (y/n) to build him a robotic one that could last longer.

"I... I brought something. Please I just want to apologize." Sam continued, anger boiling in (y/n)'s blood. They couldn't hold back anymore. The door opened and Sam's eyes lit up, but immediately lost that light when there was a sword right on his chest.

"What did I tell you? You're not going to see him. You caused this! It's your fault my brother lost an arm! You knew he wouldn't do anything with your stupid book and when he gave it back, you still killed him! OVER AND OVER SAM!" (y/n) yelled, their arm ready to just plunge the blade through his chest.

"(y/n) let him in." Ponk said calmly, appearing behind the shorter sibling. (y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed, confused that he's actually going to talk to Sam.

"What?! No, there's no reason! He won't mean the apology! He was 'just following prison rules' but prison rules doesn't state that he gets to kill you over and over, torture you over and over, for some stupid key!" (y/n) yelled back, ignoring how calm their brother had looked at the moment. Ponk looked at Sam and he looked genuinely sad. Ponk knew what he did was wrong, so he should be apologizing more than Sam is.

"Do what I say before I take your arm and use it as my own." Ponk stood his ground, willing to talk to his partner. (y/n)'s mouth dropped as they looked between the two men. Ponk aggressively nodded his head to the side, making (y/n) groan angrily and put her sword back into it's holder before leaving.

If they had it their way, there would be no way they'd let Ponk talk to Sam ever again. 

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