Technoblade x fem!reader- Gifts

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Dear requester: I didn't really like the idea of the reader being an assistant, nor being mentored by Techno, so this will be about a close friend of Techno's finally confessing her feelings. Sorry if I have disappointed you.

This was pretty hard to write, but this will be the last "romantic" Technoblade one because he is uncomfortable with shipping content about him. I'm not sure if that means with people he knows or if its for xreader fanfics. I just don't want to overstep and boundaries. Thank you and I hope you understand. NOW ONTO THE FANFIC

Word Count: 1,305

Techno has been working hard recently. Instead of him relaxing in "retirement", Techno has been constantly taking in other people. First he took in Tommy who betrayed him, next Phil who was never a problem in the first place and Ranboo who had no where to go after the final L'Manburg explosion. He was taking on a lot for someone who is supposed to be relaxing away from all of the problems. 

"Techno! Do you need any help?" (y/n) opened the door to Technoblade's home, not wanting to walk in uninvited. Techno climbed down the stairs to where his so called room was. His braid was messy and his eyebags were very visible.

"No, I was just about to leave anyways. I need to gather some items." His voice was raspy showing he hadn't slept in a long time. He grabbed his cloak and wrapped it around his shoulders lazily. (y/n) shook her head and stepped into the house and put her arms out, preventing the much taller man from leaving.

"Nope. You're going no where. You're clearly tired and I swear to Herobrine if you've been staying up reading, I will hit you." (y/n) stated, making Technoblade's shoulders drop. How (y/n)  was able to read him like a book was more confusing than Ranboo's ender walking or The End. 

"That's what I thought. I got a netherite pickaxe with silk touch on it, that's why I asked if you needed help. Now, give me a list of what you'll need and I'll be back shortly." (y/n) stated, her hands at her hips proudly. The only reason the girl was getting away with this is because Phil trained her and Techno at the same time, so they're fairly close.

Technoblade huffed and grabbed a book, writing down a list of things he needed. He handed the book to her and she read through it, nodding as she read.

"Emeralds?? How- You know what.. I got this. I'll be back soon with your stuff." (y/n) smiled, patting Techno's arm gently before leaving the house, walking down the steps.

"Get some sleep!" (y/n) yelled from outside, earning a 'go nerd!' from Technoblade. She snickered and ran off, starting her missions. 

Truth is, the female was only out because she had a plan to confess to Technoblade. What? Someone having a crush on an arsonist pig hybrid?? Yes. Ever since they were kids, (y/n) had liked him. But as they got older, more problems appeared in their way. It pushed this long-awaited confession farther and farther back.

~Two days later~

(y/n) had finally finished what she needed to get, for both the plan and what Techno really needed. Technoblade needed Emeralds, Diamonds, Netherite, Gold and any food she could find. But she went over and beyond, getting him 32 netherite ingots, 7 emeralds, a stack and a half of diamonds and two stacks of gold. Plus some things he may need for potions. Using the book Technoblade gave her, she wrote out her whole confession down and signed it. 

Currently, Techno, Ranboo and Phil had gone out to see what Ranboo can break with his silk touch hands so (y/n) had a good amount of time before they got back. 

"C'mon.. I have to be quick, this cant take long." (y/n) mumbled as she took everything out of her bag and placed a chest, organizing it.

In the top corner of the chest, she placed a stack of iron ingots. Then some lapis, followed by some ice, bricks, an enchanted apple, a dandelion, some oak logs and finally a totem. That's why she was gone for so long. Not only to get him all that, but as well as trying to get an enchanted apple and a totem. She placed the book on top of the items that spelled out 'I like you', cliché, I know but how else was she supposed to tell one of the toughest people she knows that she had romantic feelings for him??

She heard voices come from a distance, letting her know that they were back. (y/n) bit her lip and scattered the materials she was sent out to get on top of the cloth covering her confession, but accidentally left the book uncovered. She quickly closed the chest and put 'I got what you needed!' on a sign in front of it before running out the door.

"(y/n)! Hey! I didn't expect to see you here!" Ranboo said happily, smiling a little. They were at the bottom of the stairs as she stood at the top.

"Ranboo, hey! I was just dropping the materials I got for Technoblade." The girl smiled, earning a 'oh!' from the tall hybrid in front of her. She continued to make conversation with Ranboo and Phil while Techno went inside and opened the chest. He noticed the book immediately and grabbed it, reading it to himself.

Dear Techno,

                I bet this isn't what you want to hear since we have been friends for so long. I'm going to be blunt here and just say it. I like you Techno. Ever since that one spar we had where you took me seriously. Where you treated me like a fighting partner, not some girl. Ever since then, I've had a crush on you. And if this ruins our friendship and you don't reciprocate the feelings, I understand. You already have so much on your plate. I just hope you could forgive me, this has been on my chest for years and I needed to let it go. But please enjoy the extra materials I got for you.

                                                                                                                   ~ Your dearest, (y/n)

"(y/n)." Techno said bluntly, closing the book and moving the ingots and gems out of the way and pulling the cloth back. He noticed how the extra materials were arranged, his blush becoming stronger. The three could hear it from outside and (y/n) froze, her smile turning into a nervous pout. (y/n) slowly opened the door, peeking around it to see Techno on the floor with the back of his hand against his mouth.

"Y-Yeah, Techno?" She stumbled over her words, closing the door behind her as she shyly walked inside. Techno motioned for her to sit next to him and she did as told, sitting on the wooden floor. It was silent and the air was tense, making (y/n) more nervous than she already was.

"Took you long enough.." Techno said, fiddling with the god apple he had gotten. (y/n) blushed heavily, her hands tapping her knees.

"What are you trying to say?" She asked, her (e/c) eyes glancing up at him quickly before looking back down at her hands that nervously tapped her kneecaps. 'He couldn't like me back, it's not like Techno to..'

"Did I stutter? Or can you not read the room?" Techno asked, his face tinted red as he kept a straight face. (y/n) shook her head and bit her bottom lip slightly. She felt like she was dreaming, this couldn't be the real Technoblade.

"Well... Thank you for the supplies. You really saved me some time and energy." Techno stood up and kissed the girls hair gently before going back outside to show off the god apple (y/n) had gotten him.

mwah haha double upload >:] (might fuck around and upload another)

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