Glatt x fem!reader- Las Navadas Interview (PLATONIC)

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Hihihihihihi!! Sorry it's taken so long (a month :[) to get a story out to you guys! Life has been insane and it's just been really hard. But don't worry, I plan to get more stories out today, that way I'm not leaving you guys with such little content! ALSO we hit 100k reads!! That's crazy to think about! Thank you all for the support!! <333

Word Count: 926

"Glatt! You're going to make me late!!" (y/n) yelled as she ran around the house, looking for her red tie. A quiet laugh emerged from the wall where Glatt leaned against with the tie in hand. (y/n) flung herself at the ghost but he quickly moved, making her run into the wall.

"You know how important this is!" (y/n) groaned as she crossed her arms. She had a meeting with Quackity in about an hour about Las Navadas and if she was going to join. And to be honest, she didn't know if joining was the best choice.

"C'mon kid. You know you're not going to survive in a business place like Vegas." Glatt explained as he spun the tie around is pointer finger. (y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed as she took what the taller male said to heart. He was right, (y/n) couldn't even help Niki with her bakery shop. And now she wants to work in Las Navadas? No, now she was determined.

"You're wrong. Quackity is a good teacher. He'll help me. Unlike some asshole." (y/n) snatched her tie back and put it around her neck, making sure it was centered.

"I was kidding. You know that." Glatt said as he rolled his eyes. (y/n) huffed and shook her head, grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave the house.

"Quackity said you could come, by the way. But Wilbur is gonna be there so..." (y/n) finished tying her shoes and opened the door, looking at the ghostly figure behind her.

"I forgot that tyrant was revived. Why am I not revived??" Schlatt practically whined, hoping to get a straight answer from his friend.

"Cause Dream didn't chose to bring you back." (y/n) scoffed as she started the long walk to Las Navadas. Schlatt followed closely behind her, his fluffy hair bouncing every time he took a step.

"(y/n)! I'm glad to see you here! Schlatt.." Quackity's smile faded when he looked over to see his dead business partner. The ghost just crossed his arms as if trying to be more dominant in a place he had no association to.

(y/n) shook her head and followed behind Quackity as he explained every building and who is gonna work in them since he basically has a team now. (y/n) attentively listened but also kept an eye on her ghost friend who seemed to be looking for someone or something.

"(y/n)! What brings you here?" A familiar voice called out to her, making the three spin around to see him. His coat seemed like it was the same one from L'manburg, his hair had a white streak in the front and he had a cigarette in his hand. That's new..

"Wil..! Hi man, how long have you been back?" (y/n) asked, trying to be nice to the man she wasn't too fond of.

"You have changed, kid." Wilbur said, completely avoiding the question and walking up to the shorter female, lifting her chin up with his fingers to examine her face.

"Hands off." Schlatt walked in front of the two, startling Wilbur slightly. Even though he phased through Wilbur's arm, he still wanted to protect his friend.

"Didn't know you were here, president." Wilbur looked Schlatt up and down before backing up.

"Wilbur you're not supposed to be in here. Leave." Quackity stated, pointing to the other direction. Wilbur lifted his hands in the air and spun around on his heel, walking back to wherever he was supposed to go.

~Time Skip~

"I really hope you do join us here, (y/n). I think you'd be a great help to Las Navadas." Quackity said with a smile as he fixed his blue tie. Schlatt hovered behind (y/n), hating the idea of her being here.

"Thank you Quackity. I'll put a little more thought into my decision." (y/n) gave a small nod as a goodbye and walked away. (y/n) sighed and loosened her tie as they walked out of Las Navadas.

"Yeah no, you're not moving here." Schlatt said as he pretended to walk beside her, looking at her directly. (y/n) sighed in defeat, nodding her head slowly. She knew that if she worked in the Casino, it would be too overwhelming. If she worked at the strip club... well, she doesn't really wanna see that kind of stuff. The only thing she could think of doing was working at the hotel. Which won't give her the Vegas experience.

"Yeah.. you were right.. I just thought I could be part of something big y'know? Quackity is going places with his country and I'm stuck in the same hole you left me in." (y/n) shrugged. Schlatt could tell that she was feeling like shit. Her expression said it all.

"Don't be bummed out about it. He'd just use you for money and power." Schlatt tried to put his hand on the girls shoulder, but phased through, making him bite his lower lip.

"Maybe... I just want to go home." (y/n) mumbled as she fidgeted with her vest.

"Then let's go home."

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