George x reader- Long Days

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TW: MENTIONS OF A VERBALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE PAST RELATIONSHIP I promise that there won't be any details of the past relationship, but it will be explained shortly cause the reader would always ask permission for things when she doesn't need to. Also thank you all for all of the support!! It means a lot! We're already so far and it's only been a little over a week! Thank you guys so much!

word count: 941 

Sitting in a chair and staring at a computer screen while trying to avoid distractions and listen to the lecture is extremely hard. Being 23 and having more interests than her nursing classes made focusing extremely difficult. And with George in the house, it was always loud. Don't get (y/n) wrong, she loved listening to him scream and yell at his friends over teamspeak, but when trying to focus it wasn't much help.

"H-Hey George...?" The girl opened the door quietly, not wanting to bother him. He quickly took off his headphone and (y/n) could hear Clay and Nick screaming at each other over something through the small black speakers.

"Hey babe. Is everything okay?" He asked, his chair fully turned to the figure in the doorway who seemed extremely nervous. George always told her to let him know if he needed to be quieter when she was studying, but it was never a problem.

"Yeah, I was just taking a break real quick. I wanted to order some food if that was alright?" She asked, her body tensing up slightly. Ever since her last relationship where she was degraded for wanting food or just even bothering him, she was always cautious with what she said. But George's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly, excited for food since he hadn't eaten that day.

"Yeah! Get whatever you would like!" George said happily, now opening his arms for a hug to which the (h/c) haired girl happily walked to him and bent over a little so she could hug him back.

"GEORGE!! DREAM KEEPS KILLING ME!!" Sapnap yelled, getting the attention of the male. George sighed and kissed (y/n)'s forehead as he placed his headphones back on his ears and giving his girlfriend a smile before yelling at Dream. (y/n) chuckled and quietly left the room, running a hand through her hair.

After a couple more hours of George streaming and his trash in a somewhat neat pile, he said goodbye to chat and his friends before cleaning up after himself. It was about 8pm and (y/n) was usually out on the couch watching a show or passed out. But when George walked into the living area, his eyebrows furrowed as the television was on, but no (y/n). He sighed and turned the TV off, figuring she was already in their shared bedroom and asleep. As he walked past the other office where (y/n) usually did her homework or just her classes in general, he could see the light blue brightness coming through the crack of the door and the faint sound of doctor talk.

George opened the door more to see that (y/n) was curled in her chair, a thin blanket wrapped around he shoulders as a quiet tutorial played on the computer about how to properly check someone's blood pressure. Her bag of food hadn't even been touched as it sat next to a few books. George sighed and walked over to his sleeping girlfriend and brushed what seemed to be a dark grey colored clump of hair out of her face to see the dark circles under her eyes that took up her features.

"Hey, love.. Wake up, we gotta go to bed." George gently stroked (y/n)'s face, making her stir and her (e/c) orbs slowly opened. George's favorite thing about being color blind is that her eye color looked exotic. Even though he couldn't see them for their real beauty, he still adored that feature of hers the most.

"Wait.. What time is it..? I have an essay due tomorrow..." The half asleep female looked up at George before looking over at her screen and squinting as her eyes adjusted. George told her to not worry about the time and held his hand out for the other to take. She debated against it, knowing this was a really important essay, but she had been pulling all nighter's for almost a week and she was barely functioning normally anymore.

"O-Okay.." (y/n) gently grabbed Georges hand and held it tightly, leaving the blanket behind on her chair as she turned her computer off and completely forgot about her food. George took her to their shared bed and tucked her in, saying he'll be right back cause he forgot to clean up his little office. But what she didn't know was that George went back to her office and tried to organize it as much as he could without loosing any pages in the open textbooks by putting little blue (which were actually a purple) sticky notes in the pages and stacking them by the monitor. He took the un-touched food and out it in container's before carefully placing them in the fridge.

"George, cuddles..." (y/n) mumbled, her eyes closed and her eyebrows twisted upwards lightly. George, since he was already in a pair of comfortable shorts and t-shirt, climbed into bed and took her in his arms so that (y/n)'s head was placed right above where his heart was. The girl smiled and snuggled into his chest, listening to the light beat of his heart that lulled her to sleep almost immediately. George chuckled when he heard the quiet snores from his partner and played with her hair, mindlessly talking about his day with Dream and Sapnap before falling asleep himself.

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