Jschlatt x fem!reader- Hallucinations?

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Hello hello!! Sorry for the slow updates, but I hope this is good! If you have any ideas/requests, feel free to drop them in the comments! Also, this is an AU where the Dream SMP is real and all that jazz.

TW: Mentions of death/injury along with insomnia, depression(I don't know if you can call it that, but yeah, just incase ) and alcohol.

Word Count: 1,139

It's been a couple days... since the war... since he died in my arms... I tried to help him, I tried to get him to drop the bottle, I tried my best... But he's gone, now buried under my house because no one else wanted him near. And since (y/n) lived on the line that separated the Dream SMP and L'manburg, She had to keep it secret. (y/n) gave them decoy bones and flesh she had acquired from killing Zombie's and Skeleton's. It's amazing how they believed it was actually Schlatt's remains.

(y/n) was in her house, sitting at the counter of her kitchen and cleaning a sword wound that she got from trying to protect everyone. (y/n) wasn't on any side in particular, but she mostly stuck around Schlatt. Those two had been inseparable since childhood. Grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools, only a few months apart, it was the closest bond you could ask for.

"(y/n)? You in there?" A soft voice came from the door, but the female couldn't make out who it was. Quackity, Karl and Fundy had been checking on the quiet girl ever since that day. They always made sure she ate, made sure she was drinking water and just taking care of herself in general.

"Go away guys, I'm not in the mood to talk." (y/n) called out, not earning a response for a couple seconds. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she stood up and walked to the door, the cool room stinging the open wound. She opened the door, seeing no one was around except for Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and Tommy building L'manburg back up from the explosion. She slowly closed the door, now paranoid that someone else was in her home.

"(y/n)..?" Another voice came from the left, all scratchy and distorted. It sounded faint and distant like Ghostbur, but it was deeper. The voice made (y/n) quickly look to the left, her hand reaching for her sword as her eyes frantically searched the room around her. 

"(y/n), where are you..? It's cold.." The voice spoke again, but farther away. It was right next to her before now it was farther.? Now she was terrified. The voice seemed familiar, but she refused to believed who she thought it was.

"Quackity... Karl.. Sap... Stop messing around." She said hesitantly, glancing out the windows and her sword now drawn, held tightly between her rough palms which were the result of practicing her sparring till she couldn't move.

"Flatty Patty..?" The raspy was now louder and right behind (y/n), making her swing with her eyes tightly closed. Wait.. Flatty Patty?? That's what Schlatt called Quackity- The girl opened her eyes and was met with white/grey colored eyes. His horns came from his forehead then traveled behind his ears and up to gently touch his cheeks. Black stains were coming from his bottom lip and right where his heart should have been was his white dress shirt was ripped and nothing was there. It was just a black void.

"Sch-" (y/n) started, her (e/c) orbs reflecting the light of the lanterns but not the male in front of her. 

"(y/n)..! I found you!" Schlatt said with a smile, examining the female's features. Her (h/c) hair was messy and uncared for, old tear marks stained her rosy cheeks and her once bright (e/c) eyes had become a dull color. No spark, no hope. Her clothes had been changed from her war uniform to a tank top and sweat pants with Schlatt's sweatshirt wrapped around her waist just incase she became cold.

"I-I'm seeing shit... You aren't here.. you're dead.." (y/n) dropped her sword and backing up in the counter. She had to be going crazy. She hasn't seen the sun in days and hadn't had any fresh air besides the air that came through the cracked window of the bedroom so maybe that could be the cause of seeing him.

"What..? I'm not dead. I'm right here!" He said, his hands finding themselves to her shoulders. It felt like he was actually there. His hands had weight to them and most of his body weight was being supported by his hands.

"No.. Schlatt you did die. O-Of a heart attack.." (y/n) mumbled as tears started to fill her eyes while she looked at the other. He was in terrible condition, but there was nothing she could do about it. Schlatt's eyebrows furrowed together in pure confusion while he moved his hand up to her cheek and caressed it gently, wiping away the tears that slowly fell down her cheek.

"See, princess? I'm right here.." Schlatt said, the most gentle smile she's ever seen on him. That was what broke her. A small smile broke through the sadness and she leaned into the touch and grabbed the top of his hand tightly. Schlatt was confused at her actions, but just let her be.

"I'm sorry, Schlatt... I'm so sorry.." (y/n) kept apologizing, her legs becoming weak from spending the last two nights wide awake to avoid the nightmares and flashbacks. Seeing him lifeless in her arms terrified her.

"No need to be, doll. You did nothing wrong... It was all me." Schlatt said. He could fell the void in his chest that just resembled emptiness, but his stomach turned whenever (y/n) was upset. Schlatt couldn't remember anything from the last couple years. Like Wilbur, he doesn't remember the bad things. He had his whole memory but lost most of the years of his presidency.

"(y/n)! We brought food! Can we come in?" Quackity knocked on the door then cracked it open. Schlatt turned to where the door is and looked down before turning to the girl again. He gently kissed her forehead before telling her goodbye and vanished. (y/n) tried to reach out for Schlatt, but couldn't as he was already gone. 

"Y-Yeah..." The girl mumbled, quickly wiping the tears away as Quackity, followed by Karl, Sapnap and Fundy, walked into the house, taking their shoes off and setting food on the table. The rest of the night consisted of (y/n) fixing everyone's still healing wounds, talking about how the other's days went and a constant feel of comfort come from behind her. 

Maybe having GhostSchlatt around wouldn't be so bad...

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