Ranboo and sister!reader (beeandboofam)- Family

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Hello everyone! How are you guys? I hope you're well! And if you're not, take a break, take a deep breath and everything will be okay. I promise <3 I wanna apologize for making short stories recently, school is coming to an end finally and I'm trying to catch up. But I hope they're still good! Anyways, I did write a sadder ending for this, but I didn't wanna give y'all sad content lolll

Word Count: 840

"Ranboo!! Give it back!" The teenager yelled as she chased her brother around the grass field. Ranboo laughed and continued running before teleporting away. (y/n) groaned as she stopped and fell onto the grass and making a little patch for herself. She would have teleported after him, but if it didn't make her feel so sick..

"Shoot I forgot. Sorry." Ranboo mumbled as his little particles, also known as 'chat', started quietly screeching at him.

"It's whatever. I just wish I could do that. I hate having less enderman in me than you." (y/n) put her arm over her eyes to shield them from the bright sun. The two never knew what their other half was. They grew up with other enderman who would never tell them what it was. So it was a mystery to the twins.

"Yeah.. Do you want to go back home?" Ranboo asked as he picked up a white tulip that chat had been pretty attracted to.

"You mean back to the snow biome? I kinda wanna go to L'Manburg. I just wanna do some reminiscing." (y/n) explained while watching a couple of the chat members play around on her thigh.

"You promised that you'd watch Michael for me and Tubbo.." Ranboo said shyly. (y/n) sighed then rubbed her temples.

"Right right. I'll watch Michael. I totally forgot.." (y/n) sighed and Ranboo chuckled.

"No worries. But you have been acting off lately. Like its rare to see you doing anything now. Is everything okay?" Ranboo asked. He noticed that his sister had been loosing a lot of weight and not sleeping enough. She's been more scared of water and the black part of her skin was becoming more prominent.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been eating a little less, no big worries." (y/n) smiled before guiding the little particles back to Ranboo's shoulder before getting up. Ranboo looked at her in concern but sighed, knowing she's come around eventually.

"Tubbo! I'm here!" Ranboo called into the wooden house and walking to the ladder that lead down to the traders then up to Michael.

"Ranboo! About time! We have to go or else Tommy's gonna be really upset!" Tubbo said quickly as he jumped down from their son's room, putting on his puffy coat as quickly as he could.

"Have fun guys! Tell Toms I say hi!" The girl smiled as she waved her brother and his platonic husband off. Once they left, (y/n) smiled as she climbed up the ladder.

"Michael! Auntie is here!" The girl said enthusiastically as she closed the door. Something wrapped around her leg and (y/n) looked down, smiling ear to ear. She loved Michael like he was her own kid. She watches him so often that he minus well be.

"Hey kiddo! I got you something!" (y/n) smiled as she walked over to the zombie pigman's bed and sat down, Michael following suit. (y/n) told him to close his eyes and he did so with his hands.

"Okay, there's a story that goes with this gift. Open up." Michael opened his eyes and they sparkled as he laid eyes on the purple allium. He gently took it into his hands, playing with the fluffy petals.

"So your father, Boo, really likes these flowers. He gives them to everyone he meets. To him, they're a peace-offering. So whenever you come around someone who seems hostile, give them one of these. It worked with Uncle Tommy. Boo gave him one of these and now they're best friends. Promise me that, Michael. Promise me you'll try and make friends, not enemies." (y/n) put her hand on the small child's shoulder. Michael nodded in understanding with a smile on his face, showing off his little tusks. (y/n)  smiled back when Michael got up and grabbed some toys for the two to play with

~A few hours later~

"Do you think they're sleeping? It's awfully quiet.." Tubbo looked up and asked Ranboo, making the taller boy shrug. It was too quiet and usually the two would be loud by the time they got back. Tubbo climbed up the ladder and lifted up the trap door. A smile plastered on his face and he quickly motioned for Ranboo to follow.

"I was right." Tubbo smirked with his arms crossed. Ranboo shook his head and looked at his sister who was sleeping with Michael in her arms and a allium next to their heads.

"Let's leave them be." Ranboo said quietly as he went back down the ladder, Tubbo following suit after putting a blanket over the sleeping pair.

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