Various and Tommy's sister!reader- Gone

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HI EVERYONE! I hope you guys are.. recovering. The streams were a lot to take in, so don't forget to take care of yourselves! Also, I have gotten a lot of requests for part 2's to a lot of stories, so expect to have those coming out soon (Down With The Revolution pt2 should be coming out in the next few days :]) If you have ideas and want me to write them, put them down in the comments! I'll be happy to add them onto my list! (yes I have a list) Don't forget that this is all rp, you guys are real and extremely loved! Enjoy the story!!

Warnings: Spoilers for Tommy's stream and part of BadBoyHalo's stream from 3/1 as well as cursing

Word count: 2,063

(y/n)'s been worried... About Tommy... He's been stuck in prison with the man who hurt him. Who broke him. He hurt her brother. If he had just listened to her when she said not to go to the prison, he wouldn't be in the situation he is in now. So here she is, sitting on the steps of his hotel, waiting for Sam. (y/n) looked across the path and there was Ranboo, building to his hearts content while Tubbo kept an eye on what was happening and giving some insight.

"(y/n)!" Ranboo snapped the girl out of her thoughts, her hands stopping their mission of picking the skin off her palm. She looked over at him and tilted her head, asking what he needed. He waved her over and she sighed deeply, pushing herself off the ground and walking over.

"What's up?" she asks, her voice clearly filled of covered up worries for her older brother. (y/n) was a year younger than Tommy, even though she acted like she was the older one. (y/n) had h/c hair with a darker shade of blue eyes than her brother. 

"What do you think?" Ranboo asked, proud of his work so far. (y/n) smiled and gave a small nod. It was like she could barely talk, the fear of burdening her friends with how worried she had been.

"I-It looks great, Ranboo. I think if you expanded the back wall more, it'll give your guests more room and will give a better overall experience." (y/n) explained, to which Ranboo put his thumb on his chin and his finger underneath to give a thinking look as he tried to picture what she had said in his head. He gave his thanks and went to fix the mentioned wall and continue with his work.

"I know you're worried about Tommy. But I'm sure he's alright!" Tubbo said enthusiastically like always, putting his hand on the girls shoulder. She looked over to him and gave a nod before walking away. She needed to find Sam, she needed to know if her brother was okay.

But when Sam was nowhere to be seen, that's when the message popped up in chat.

>TommyInnit was slain by Dream<

That's when the world stopped. 

no no no no that can't be right!  (y/n) thought as she turned around and ran back to where Tubbo and Ranboo were. The two stood still, Tubbo's hand over his mouth and tears welling in his eyes. Ranboo stood next to him, his hand making soothing circles on his back. This made tears well in her own eyes, but she ran past, catching the attention of Ranboo.

"Where are you going??" He asked, Tubbo now looking where (y/n) was going. She stopped and turned around, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"I'm going to go kill Dream." She stated and started running back towards the prison. There was no way Tommy was dead. He wouldn't loose his last life to Dream. He wouldn't allow that.

"(y/n), stop." Ranboo grabbed her wrist, a sympathetic look on his face. (y/n) shook her head quickly, her eyes shut tight. She tried to keep the tears back, she really did. Tommy wouldn't want her to cry about this.

"Come here.." Ranboo said softly, pulling the girl into a hug. That's when reality hit. Her brother was gone. Her older brother was gone and Sam didn't even know, Phil didn't even know. Her hands gripped his vest tightly as her head rested on his chest.

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