Quackity x fem!reader- Left At The Alter

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Me?? Uploading two stories??? HELL YEAH!! AnYwAyS, this was my friends idea while we were talking over discord at like, 2AM. Some pretty interesting convos happened that night... Also, I'm going to be doing a Valentines preference thing, so let me know who you want added that isn't already on the previous ones! Love you all!!

Word Count: 1,046

"You know what? Fuck you, Flatty Patty. Marry this armor stand, I'm leaving." Schlatt stated firmly, placing the stand in front of Quackity, leaving the man stunned. He didn't know what he did wrong. He was being himself, isn't that how you're supposed to act around the person you love? Quackity felt the tears form in his eyes as he stared at the ground where a gold ring laid, seeming to be untouched ever since it got made. But Schlatt had it on his left hand, agreeing to marry Quackity.

Quackity took a deep breath and wiped the tears off his cheek, sitting own in one of the empty seats in Church Prime. He put his head in his hands and sighed, tears slowly leaving his eyes and leaving little puddles on his palms. 

At this time, (Y/N) was walking down the prime path with her bag full of iron, cobblestone and coal from a long day of mining. When walking and waving over at Sapnap and George who were just messing around, Schlatt bumped into the girl, clearly upset. (Y/N) shot him a glare and fixed her (r/c) ((random color)) shirt. 

While walking home, taking the shortcut through the Holy Lands, (Y/N) saw Quackity in Church Prime. She paused and looked through the purple tinted glass before noticing he wasn't doing too well. She walked through the doors of the church, being as quiet as she could. When Quackity didn't show any response to her walking it and almost knocking over an armor stand, she knew something was definitely wrong.

"Big Q?" (Y/N) asked quietly, sitting down next to him. He jumped at her voice, quickly looking away and wiping the dried tears on his cheeks and the left over tears from his palms onto his jeans. (Y/N) gave him a questioned look but placed her hand gently onto his shoulder. You see, (Y/N) has like Quackity for a while now. But knowing that he was planning to marry Schlatt, she pushed her feelings away so they wouldn't get in the way of Quackity's relationship.

"He left me... I-I don't know why but he did.." Quackity said, the tears threatening to leave his eyes again. It hurt him a lot and (Y/N) could tell.  She let out a quiet sigh and gently pulled Quackity into a hug to which he immediately melted into. Quackity loved Schlatt, don't get him wrong, but he loved (Y/N) too. He was going to marry Schlatt and be happy but it was to move up in the government. It was a plan. But he caught actual feelings during his plan which blocked him from seeing his true feelings. 

"It's gonna be okay, Quackity.. You're going to be okay." (Y/N) whispered quietly, rubbing his back gingerly and holding his head to her shoulder. Quackity held her shirt tightly as the tears soaked it to a darker shade. The two sat there for a while until Quackity's cries became quiet and his breathing became shallow and steady. (Y/N) looked down at him, giving him a gentle smile. He had fallen asleep on her shoulder, but (Y/N) moved his head to her lap so he would be more comfortable.

"Aw, Q... I'm sorry this happened to you. He didn't deserve you anyways." She mumbled, moving his hair out of his eyes. How was this man cuter when his was sleeping? The red on his cheeks started to slowly fade away and his expression had turned from pained to peaceful. 

"Heh.. You look so peaceful.. I wonder what you're dreaming about... Maybe what your guys' future would be..? I'm so jealous that he won your heart but I didn't. As long as you're happy, I am too." (Y/N) said, her heart aching as she said those words. But as she went to fix his hair again, Quackity slowly opened his eyes, a gentle and tired smile spreading across his face.

"I wasn't happy... Miserable even. He yelled a lot. But I had to follow through with the plan.." Quackity explained with a deeper voice than normal, his tired and bloodshot eyes looking up. (Y/N) froze and looked at him, clearly puzzled. He was sleeping.. His breathing proved that he was most definitely asleep. 

"I-I thought you were sleeping-" (Y/N) stopped talking when Quackity brought his hand up to gently caress her cheek to which she subconsciously leaned into the warmness of his palm. It was comforting and welcoming. Nothing like what she thought this would be like.

"Practice makes perfect, Angel." Quackity smirked and pulled (Y/N) down, his soft lips connecting with hers. It took a second for her to process what was happening but she immediately kissed back, her hand placing itself on his that was on her cheek. After a second, which felt like forever, Quackity pulled away, leaving (Y/N) a blushing mess. ((Me?? Writing a kiss scene for the first time?? Surely not :D))

"You're cute when you're red." Quackity smirked, his thumb brushing her cheekbone gently. (Y/N) rolled her eyes before kissing his nose and standing up. Quackity followed her with his eyes as she grabbed her bag of supplies she gathered many hours before.

"Well, you coming or not?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Quackity who happily obliged and stood up, grabbing the gold ring off the floor and putting it into his pocket and followed (Y/N) out of the church, making small talk and saying flirtatious things while she put her supplies away.

"Quackity, I swear to god if you say one more thing about my ass, I will demolish you." (Y/N) said sternly as she pointed her diamond sword at him.

"WHAT CAN I SAY?? YOU'RE THICC AND THATS COMING FROM THE SEXIEST PERSON ON THIS SERVER!" Quackity held his hand up in defense, making the other laugh.

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