SBI and GenderNeutral!reader- Damage (PLATONIC)

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Teheheh I'm grinding out stories today >:) Anyways, thank you to RenissanceBlade and someone else on Quotev who requested it! This was fun to write! I hope it's okay if I used Gender Neutral pronouns! A lot of people have been asking for them!

Word Count: 1,328

It was a cold spring night, the four siblings in their separate rooms, but wide awake. It's been a week since their father hasn't been back home. Philza went on a exploration about eight (8) days ago after hearing there's a way to learn more about Endermen and their realm far away. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he couldn't miss it. He knew he could trust the kids on their own, they've done it before. So he went off, pursuing his knowledge.

"You still awake?" Wilbur asked as he walked back the young kids door. (y/n) was staring at their wall, making little shapes on it with their back turned from the doorway. (y/n) gave a little hum to let the older male know they were still awake.

"Well, Techno, Tommy and I are out in the front room if you want to join. We made hot chocolate." Wilbur said gently before walking away from the door and back to his brothers. (y/n) thought about it for a second. They could stay in here and let time slip away or could go spend time with their brothers.

"Look who decided to join!" The blond boy said happily as he sat down on the ground. (y/n) rolled their eyes and sat next to him, nudging him with their elbow playfully. Tommy laughed and thanked Technoblade when he sat down their hot chocolates. (y/n) did the same as they carefully grabbed it.

"Wilbur, can you come help me?" Techno asked and Wilbur got up quickly. It was weird how close they were in age but aren't actually blood related. They were both 17 and taking care of a 13 year old along with a 10 year old. Soon enough, Techno and Wilbur brought out some berries and left over dinner out just incase any of them got hungry. They talked for hours on end, watching Techno demonstrate some new fighting skills he had learned so his siblings could learn as well. Wilbur noticed it was becoming morning and had an idea.

"Get your coats on, we're going outside." Wilbur said as he put his own coat on and grabbed his guitar. The younger ones shrugged but did as told, following Wilbur and Techno outside. The four climbed up a ladder that lead to the roof. They all took their places, Wilbur first then Tommy, then Techno then (y/n) at the end.

Wilbur strummed his guitar while they all watched the sunrise. (y/n) and Tommy had put their heads on Techno's shoulders, tired from their long night.

"What are you four doing?" A familiar voice called from below, making Wilbur stop his music and everyone go wide eyed.

"Welcome home..!" They all sheepishly smiled and Phil just laughed, telling them to come down and go to bed.

~Time Skip~

Oh to be on that roof again..

(y/n) sat on their own roof, Wilbur's old guitar on one side of them with Tommy's bandana he gave them and Techno's cape around their shoulders. (y/n) had moved far away from their family, pursuing the same thing their father did. Lots and lots of exploration. But they didn't just leave. There were so many things that made  them leave. Wilbur got into politics, wanting his own country. Tommy followed with him, bringing his friend Tubbo along. Techno started to hate government, which meant he started hating his brothers' profession. Phil... God what happened to their dad? He went out on a journey and didn't come back. (y/n) knew he wouldn't die. Phil was always careful. But he just up and left. And now they were going to find him. 

TommyInnit whispered to you: Hey big man!! Can you come to L'manburg?? Wil says he needs you for something but one message you.

(y/n) sighed when they looked at the message. They visited their brothers country every so often, but now Wilbur needed them for something?

(y/n) whispered to TommyInnit: Yeah, I'll be there soon. 

(y/n) climbed down the ladder and threw their bag over their shoulder, grabbing needed items before they left their home in the jungle biome and made their way back to where their brothers were located.

"(y/n)!! I'm glad you could make it!" Wilbur smiled as he walked over and wrapped his arm around their shoulder. Thing is, (y/n) was just a hint shorter that Tommy. Height was just something that ran in the family. 

"Yeah yeah, what did you need me for?" (y/n) removed their brothers arm from their shoulders then crossed their arms. They had better things to do like organize their chests or write some discoveries down. 

"We want you to join L'Manburg! I think you'll be very helpful to this country with your excellent observation!" Wilbur said proudly, his hands on his hips like he had just conquered the biggest beast.

"I don't know, Wil... You know that I followed in Phil's footsteps. I won't be here much." (y/n) explained, making Wilbur's shoulders fall. He looked disappointed. But what could They say? 'oh yeah, I'll join even though I'm not going to be here.' No, They were a realist. And that meant they were straight-forward with people.

"Right.. I forgot." Wilbur smiled but said they are welcome to continue to visit and if they wanted to join eventually, that would be great. All Wilbur wanted was to have his family back. Techno's gone, Phil's gone and now it's just the three of them. And with Fundy around now, he need more support than anything.

So (y/n) did visit when needed. Like if Wilbur needed someone to watch Fundy, they were there. If they just wanted their company, they'd be there.

But then Wilbur died...

Then Tommy was exiled.

Then Tommy saw Techno again.

Ghostbur was also a thing.

But when L'manburg was blown for the last time, it was like Phil was trying to get his family back. And to be honest, it was pissing (y/n) off.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Huh, Phil?? Oh look, Dad's back! We forgive you for leaving weeks at a time! We forgive you for killing your own son! We forgive you for running away! We forgive you for taking away the last thing that represented Wilbur!" (y/n) yelled as they stood only feet away from the older man. Phil was shocked. (y/n), the little girl who rarely spoke. The little girl who hid from anything violent. Was now yelling, screaming, sobbing at their father.

"(y/n) please, let me explain-" Phil was cut off as a sword was pointed at his chest.

"You've done enough damage to us. Is this not enough?!" (y/n) screamed before Techno walked over and grabbed the sword. His eyes were stern and narrow. Like he was trying to get through to them. 

"Put the sword away, kid." Technoblade said sternly, making (y/n) follow orders. They didn't want to hurt their father, but they sure as hell did want to scare the shit out of him to let him know that he's fucked up.

(y/n) shook their head and walked past the two men, shoving them out of the way as they jogged over to Tommy and Tubbo who were trying to bandage themselves up. Phil sighed and rubbed his chest.

"They weren't going to do anything. They don't have the guts." Techno stated as he looked behind him at his siblings.

"Don't talk about your sibling like that. Now let's go." Phil said quietly, leading Techno away from the big hole in the ground and meeting up with Dream. 

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