Fundy and sister!reader- (OBVIOUSLY PLATONIC) Siblings

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I DID IT!! Oh my god this took so long to get out but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Sorry for the long wait, but here it is for the people who requested a part two!!

Word Count: 1,682

"I don't ever want to see you again." (Y/N) mumbled as tears threatened her to pour down her already red cheeks. And with that, (Y/N) left Fundy and Ranboo behind, running away so no one could see her tears.

"Why would I say that?? What's wrong with me?? Of course I'm mad.. But he's my brother. How could I say that?!" (Y/N) spoke to herself, punching a tree while she left L'Manburg. She didn't know where she was going. All she knew is that she couldn't be around her brother anymore. She felt betrayed. I mean, who wouldn't. Fundy always protected (Y/N) from anything that could harm her. Monsters, people, foods, everything. Fundy was an amazing older brother, someone she could look up to because her father was a ghost...

(Y/N) heard a tree branch breaking come from behind her and pulled her sword out, swiftly turning around with the blade pointing in that direction. Now there were voices. Familiar and deep but soft voices nonetheless. 

"Why do you think she's out here?" One asked, sounding a lot like Techno.

"This is the only place she could have gone without leaving tracks behind. She didn't want anyone to know where she was going." Another voice replied that she couldn't quite put her finger on. It was Dream or Ranboo..

"God.. I just hope she has supplies with her.." A third voice said, which was too quiet and muffed for (Y/N) to understand. But as the footsteps got closer, (Y/N) quickly dug down and replaced the dirt. Her sneakers stood roughly on the stone under her while she was crammed in the small place.

"This is out of place.. This isn't the normal kind of grass that would be here." Now (Y/N) was sure it was Ranboo. He managed to know what kind of grass is in every biome. He'd be able to tell if it was placed by a person or an Enderman. 

"I don't think she's down here but I'll dig down." Techno's raspy voice said. Shit shit shit. (Y/N) grabbed her silk touch pickaxe and went to the left, placing the stone back to make it seem normal. She covered her mouth as she heard Techno's boots hit the stone where she was just seconds before.  

"I told you she isn't here!" Techno yelled back up, making (Y/N) sigh happily. Techno's left ear twitched as he hear something. That something was (Y/N) letting out a breath of relief. (Y/N) saw the particles on the stone start to break away. There wasn't anything she could have done. There was no way out. This was it, they were going to take her back to L'Manburg... Back to Fundy.. No, no, no, no she didn't want to go back.

"(Y/N)." Techno said as the block went away and appeared in his inventory. (Y/N) was sat on the floor, her knees to her chest and her head buried between her legs. Just seeing him made the memories of hours prior come back to her and make her panic. What if he was going to hurt her? She was one of the last things to remind him of his brother. She may just have his body structure, but her eyes showed that she was definitely Wilbur's kid.

"Phil! I found her!" Techno yelled back up the hole making (Y/N) look up. Her grandfather's name always brought her comfort, but now it terrified her slightly. Once Phil's feet touched the stone, he made eye contact with the young girl. Her eyes were glossed over with tears that once were filled with determination, happiness and hope. Now they looked discouraged, sad and scared. 

"(Y/N).. Do you need somewhere to stay? You're family, we'll take care of you and you won't go back to L'Manburg." Phil asked, standing behind the stone block while Techno dug his way out of the hole. Phil had a smile on his face that always lit up the room. His eyes showed sympathy and kindness compared to her hopeless ones. It took her a second but she gave him a small nod, wiping a tear away.

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