Wilbur x trans ftm!reader- Acceptance

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Sorry for such a short one lol and this was a request, so thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy :D

Word count: 633

He couldn’t hide it anymore. His chest was in pain and it hurt to breathe. As (y/n) looked in the mirror and drug his hands down from his shoulders to his high hips. As he did, he hit a bump on his chest, making his hands curve over his biological body. A frown crossed his face. The laughter from the other room made the feeling of (y/n)’s room more darker. Why couldn’t he have his voice? It wasn’t fair. He was a boy placed in a female body. Why?

“I’m hungry, so I’m loggin’ off for tonight. G’night boys.” The happy British accent came from the recording room of the house (y/n) and Wilbur shared. They had been together for 7 months, but (y/n) thought it was finally tell him that he wasn’t happy being a girl anymore. But what scared him is the thought of Wilbur leaving him over something like this. (y/n) walked to the fridge and stood there for a second, thinking what they should have for dinner.

“Hey, love. What’cha doing?” Wilbur came from behind and draped his arms over (y/n)’s shoulders.

“Figuring out what’s for dinner. I can’t make anything, so it looks like take-out.” (y/n) pouted as he looked up at Wilbur. His heart melted at his brown eyes, or maybe it was breaking.

“Okay, anything sound good? I’ve been wanting pizza all week. Is that okay?” Wilbur asked, rubbing the others sides with his thumbs gently. (y/n) only nodded, his mind filled with what to say but nothing would come out. It was like a tornado of words that jumbled together, trying to form a sentence.

“You seem off, are you okay?” The British asked, nudging (y/n)’s head with his own. It was now or never.

“I, uh, I gotta tell you something. Please don’t freak out.” (y/n) turned around, making Wilbur remove his hands from his hips and to his own sides. His facial features showed that he was confused, but not nervous. Not as nervous as (y/n) was. He played with his fingers, taking a deep breath as he settled on a sentence that would get his point across. Wilbur just stood and waited for him.

“Okay. If you leave me over this, I understand.” Now those features turned into worry. Worried that (y/n) had done something to make him say that.

“I’m trans. And being how I have been just isn’t comfortable anymore. I’ve been debating about this for years, and I came to the conclusion that I’m a guy..” (y/n) avoided all eye contact, not wanting Wilbur to see him cry over this.

“So I have a boyfriend now?” Wilbur said, making (y/n) shoot his head up in shock. Wilbur was smiling, seeming happy about this.

“I had a feeling (y/n). I knew that something about you didn’t scream female. I have caught you looking at you figure in the mirror.” Wilbur placed his hands on the others shoulders, his smile never faltering.

“So you’re not gonna break up with me..?” (y/n) looked up at Wilbur who laughed and shook his head.

“Hell no. After seven months, that’s not gonna happen. I didn’t fall for you because you were a girl. I fell because you are so sweet and caring that it was like I couldn’t get away from it.” (y/n) covered his face in embarrassment, causing Wilbur to chuckle a little more.

“Now let’s get that pizza and start making a barber appointment for you cause this hair won’t do. Also, we can go shopping to get you new clothes and throw out your other ones.” Wilbur ruffled the others hair and pulled his phone out to order the couples normal pizza order.

(y/n) truly did get lucky. Cause if he was with someone else, the conversation could have gone worse.

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