JSchlatt, Tubbo and fem!reader- Dad? part 2 (ALL PLATONIC)

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Part two babbbbyyy!!! I enjoy writing this so much and I don't know why. But yeah, I COULD make a part 3 cause Tubbo still needs confirmation that Schlatt is their dad and all, but this got SUPER long so I wanted end it before I got carried away lol. Also, warning, there is cursing, mentions of being intoxicated and yelling :)

Word Count: 1,951

"(y/n)? Did you sleep okay last night?" Tubbo asked, noticing the dark circles under his sisters eyes. (y/n) just nodded and waved it off, saying she was fine.  Before they walked into the building where their offices were placed, (y/n) stopped Tubbo, fixing his red tie.

"Good luck in there." (y/n) smiled and pulled her younger brother in for a hug which he gladly returned. Once they pulled away, Tubbo turned around and started walking to Schlatt's office and (y/n) walked around the corner to see Quackity speaking to Punz about becoming some sort of body guard.

"(y/n)! Good morning! Come over here!" Quackity called out to the (h/c) haired girl which made her jump. (y/n) quickly made her way over, brushing off imaginary dust from her suit as she stood next to Quackity and looked at Punz for a second. He seemed nice, but the tall male looked down on her with spite. Punz knew (y/n) and Tubbo were close to the two exiled men, so he planned to keep an eye on them to make sure they didn't plan to bring them back into Manburg.

Tommy whispered to you: (y/n)! Meet me at the holy land! I want to show you where Wil and I are! Bring Tubbo too! I miss you guys!

(y/n) glanced at the message, making a mental note to meet Tommy in the desired location. The day went by smoothly, the siblings barely seeing each other. Tubbo and Schlatt walked around Manburg, talking about what can be improved and what was going to be taken down while Quackity went out and did his own thing, leaving (y/n) to organize the papers that were starting to pile up on Schlatt's desk. Letters, agreement papers and permits to build were all filed neatly in a cabinet next to the large desk. 

'They should be back any moment...' (y/n) thought as she looked at the clock before glancing at the desk. Her hand drug across it lightly before she reached the chair. Her hand grazed the dark leather before she sat down, holding her breath. The sent of alcohol, smoke and cologne hit her nose like a wave and sent her back.

"Come on (y/n)! You can do it!" Schlatt laughed as he pushed the girl on the swing, trying to touch the tree branch that seemed inches away from her grasp.

"I can't reach it, Daddy!" The little girl said, her small hands grazing the oak leaves. In the sandbox close by, Toby sat there and used his little finger to draw random scribbles in the sand, giggling every so often .

"Why..?" (y/n) mumbled, putting her head in her hands as she curled up in the chair, feeling the comfort of someone she once called Dad, hearing soft humming from oh so long ago.

"I'm going to go... get you a present! Stay right here for me, okay? I'll be back soon." Schlatt kissed the girls forehead before ruffling Toby's hair and turning on his heel, leaving the two children behind.

Now she was crying. Remembering that day of being left in the cold, told a lie, (y/n) couldn't trust men anymore. The only men she trusted where her brothers and Phil. They were the only ones that she felt was okay to be connected to without being scared of being betrayed and left alone.

"(y/n)..?" A soft voice came from the door that seemed familiar, but was one she didn't hear too often. When she looked up, she saw Quackity in the doorway, fixing his beanie to cover most of his hair.

"Ah, Big Q. Sorry, I-I just-" (y/n) started, trying to come up with an excuse of why she was crying. At her lowest, why did he have to walk in. (y/n) was finally alone which meant she could think and just let it go.

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