Tubbo, Tommy and fem!reader- Helping Hand (PLATONIC)

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WOWOWOWOWOW that was a lot of writing. But I loved the concept of the reader and Tubbo doing work and giving all the credit to Tommy so Phil would be proud of him. And I tried to not make it super angst, but I was listening to Undertale music while making this, so sorry if it is- Also, I'm thinkin about writing a Schlatt one.. Should I??

Content Warning: self-neglect

Word Count: 1,926

"Sam Nook!!" The three minors yelled excitedly, running up the stairs to see the man with little bear ears clipped onto his ears. His eyes closed happily, showing that he was smiling under his creeper mask. 

"HELLO TOMMYINNIT, TUBBO UNDERSCORE AND (Y/N)!..." Sam Nook spoke through his little blabbles, the translation coming up in chat. (y/n) stood next to Tubbo who was stood slightly behind Tommy. The youngest started to make small talk with Sam, talking about what he wanted the "Big Innit Hotel" to look like.

"PLEASE GO GATHER THE NEEDED MATERIALS AND PAYMENT. THEN I'LL START BUILDING ASAP..." Sam told the three, well mostly Tommy. They all nodded and ran off, sticking together and getting the needed payment for Sam Nook.

"Why does he need so many diamonds?? Couldn't he have asked for netherite or something?? I'm good at getting that!" (y/n) explained, crossing her arms as they walked. Tubbo shrugged, letting out a sigh and offering his diamonds to Tommy.

As weeks went by, the hotel was turning out great. Sam really does stick to his word. But all those weeks, Tommy wouldn't sleep. He would barely eat. (y/n) lived in Snowchester with Tubbo, so they couldn't keep an eye on him all the time. 

"(y/n), Tommy isn't looking so well." Sam walked up to the girl one day, fixing his mask to cover his mouth fully. (y/n) looked at him, obviously confused. Tommy always put himself in front of others. That's just how he was. 

"What do you mean, Sam?" (y/n) asked, her (e/c) eyes shimmering from the suns reflection. Sam sighed, trying to find the right words to describe Tommy's physical state.

"I mean, he's not eating or taking time to rest. He's always getting more materials or talking to Sam Nook to see if there is anything more he can do. I know he's trying to be helpful, but I'm worried about him." Sam explained, using his hands to try and get his point across. (y/n) nodded, saying she'll tell Tubbo. And that's what she did.

"Tubbo!" (y/n) called out to the brown haired boy, making him stop his trading and come up from his trading area. Once he got there, Tubbo noticed that (y/n) was trying to catch her breath, meaning she must have ran from somewhere.

"What's up? Is everything okay?" His accent became heavier with the amount of worry his words carried. (y/n) shook her head left to right in a questioning manner. Tubbo tilted his head in confusion, one eyebrow lifted as he waited for her to start explaining.

"Sam came to talk to me and he said Tommy isn't doing well." (y/n) summarized, pointing behind her as if pointing to where Tommy was. 

Tubbo looked at her, clearly more confused than before. 

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, his chocolate brown eyes  full of wonder but also concern for his best friend. (y/n) started explaining to Tubbo what Sam had told her. After explaining, Tubbo nodded his head, starting to make a plan with her.

A couple hours later, the two put their plan into action, going to Tommy's Hotel. Just as they expected, Tommy was pulling the weeds out from the ground, his cheeks a light red from working manually. But his skin had no color besides that small red on his face.

"Hey Tommy." (y/n) walked up to him, his dull looking eyes scaring her a little. Sam was right. He was tired, pale, probably starving himself to get this done. He gave a weak and tired smile, pausing his work.

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