SBI x fem!reader- War (PLATONIC)

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Sorry this is short, I had no idea what to write.. hdjsusb I hate this one so much, but I'll try and find some idea to make a better Sleepy Boys :]

Content warnings: mentions of blood, injuries and ignoring own injuries

Word count: 807

This family was a mess. And when I mean mess, I mean a crazy but loving group of people. (y/n) was another kid Philza Minecraft picked up. (y/n) was found in a forest surrounded by birds. Phil thought she was being attacked by the flying creatures, but it was quite the opposite. When Phil took the young child back home to where his three sons awaited for his return, they were ecstatic to have a girl in the family. 

Techno taught Wilbur how to fight, (y/n) and Tommy watched in admiration, Phil taught (y/n) how to use her wings, Tommy watched in awe. Tommy had wings, but they weren't becoming strong enough to support his weight, so he watched. 

Years went by, now everyone was off on their own. Tommy, Wilbur and (y/n) stuck together, making a country they called L'Manburg. Tommy was 16, (y/n) was 18 and Wilbur was about 23. Techno went off on his own, claiming he was going to become an adventurer like Phil. 

Everything went by like a tide. Wilbur and Tommy got exiled, Pogtopia was made, Wilbur planned to blow up what used to be his, Tommy stopped him, Dream helped with the plan, Techno showed up, Techno and Tommy fought, Wilbur hurt Tommy, he hurt Tubbo..

Now it's gone.

There sat Phil, shocking everyone with what he had just done. (y/n) was standing between Tommy and Tubbo, her green and blue wings injured while Tommy had a gash in his left arm and Tubbo probably twisted or broke his ankle and wrist. (y/n), in a state of panic used the last of her strength to run through the crater and boost herself up with her wings to get to Philza and Wilbur.

"(y/n)!" Tommy screamed, running after the very injured female, Tubbo following. Well, Tubbo tried to, but didn't get far because of his ankle so he waited for his friends return.

"My boy.. I'm so sorry..." Phil cried into the heavy body he held in his arms, desperately hoping he really didn't kill his son. His family had become a disaster. Wilbur blew up his own country, the thing he put his heart and soul into and Techno made it worse. 

"Ph...Phil.." (y/n) mumbled weakly, wiping blood away from her mouth. Tommy climbed up the the crater and appeared behind (y/n), weak as well. Phil turned with glossy eyes and saw the two, his heart stopping. He thought he had lost his whole family, but the two youngest survived it all.

"Guys.." Phil breathed, relived to see them. (y/n) looked down at Wilbur, biting her lip as she prevented herself from tears. Tommy just stood next to her, trying to process what he was seeing.

"He's gone.. isn't he..?" (y/n) sniffled, wiping her nose that was running slightly. Phil looked away, ashamed of what he had done.

"He asked me to.. He was suffering.." Phil took the sword out of Wilbur's stomach and laid it next to him, putting his cape over him as well. Tommy started to silently cry, sniffling and quickly wiping the tears away. (y/n) placed her hand on his forearm, taking in a breath. She had to be strong. It's what Wil would have wanted.

Hours later, (y/n) had done her best to help everyone who was injured. She ignored her own injuries, giving all the supplies to everyone else. She patched up Tommy's arm, kept Tubbo's ankle straight, kept Quackity's leg from bleeding out, fixed a cut on Niki's cheek and did so much more.

"Your wings.." Tubbo stated as he sat on the ground while (y/n) fixed his ankle. Her heart stopped when he pointed it out. Of course they hurt, it felt like she was dying. But she pushed through it.

"They're fine, Tubbo." (y/n) said softly, continuing her work.

"No it's not." A more stern voice came from behind her, but Tubbo beemed at the other. (y/n) looked behind her and saw Phil and Tommy with things to patch her wings up.

"They're fine, really. It just feels like a scratch." Liar. Why would she lie? Why would she lie to her partner in crime and her father figure? To not worry them. They've already been through so much, she didn't want to be another problem on their hands. But after lots of convincing, (y/n) gave in and let Phil fix her wings. She talked to Tommy and Tubbo while Phil did what he needed to do.

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