Dream XD x fem!reader- Gone For Good

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The request from yet again www.quotev.com/RenissanceBlade and they wanted it to be angsty, but I'm not in a real angsty mood lately, so I tried my best. Hopefully I can get another story out tonight so y'all are fed :)

CW: Cursing, mentions of drinking and open wounds at the end.

Word Count: 835

She's been gone for merely days. But the ache in XD's heart was more than just grief. He wanted to avenge her death. Of course, he could just bring his lover back, but she wouldn't make it. Dream XD isn't the god of Death, he's the god of The End. He had no way to bring her back. That is until Dream brought someone back from the dead. He brought back Tommy. He could bring (y/n) back if he got his hands on that book.

"Oh Kristen~!" XD sang as he the tall woman. She stood in the rubble of what used to be her son's country, her hands clenching her arms.

"What, XD? I'm busy.." Kristen wiped her eyes, seeing everything all over again. Her lover killing their son, the screams of agony.. It was overwhelming for her, but she came here for some sort of closure. Maybe it's just her seeing her son again and not noticing his problem. Maybe it's wanting to feel guilt after not feeling such emotion for years.

"I have a favor to ask of you." The other stood behind her, giving Kristen any space she would need. Kristen took a deep breath and turned her head so she could see XD.

"If this is about your lover, there's nothing I can do. She's dead, I can't bring people back. Tommy coming back was a different type of magic. Not mine. I don't know how to explain it, but its bad." Kristen explained, making XD's heart hurt more. This whole time he thought it was her who could bring people back when it was some sadistic magic.

"Right.. Thank you, ma'am. I'll leave you be now.." XD nodded his head as he left, appearing in (y/n)'s old home. XD smiled as he picked up a satchel off the floor. It was leather and had pins on the handle that went over her shoulder.

"(y/n), I have a gift for you!" XD smiled, it barely being visible due to his mask. (y/n) looked up from the crafting table, her eyebrows furrowing into a confused expression. XD went into his human form, well as human as it would get, to properly give her the gift. His human form looked most like Dream, but his full name is DreamXD, so it only made sense.

"You didn't have to get me anything, XD..." (y/n) mumbled, very touched by the thing she was being given.

"Really, it's nothing too special. I happened to find some materials and I wanted to make you something." XD shrugged, now erging the other to open the box. (y/n) chuckled and shook her head gently, opening the box slowly. XD smiled brightly as (y/n) gasped and pulled the bag out, setting the box it came in down on the ground.

"Earlier you said that your other bag was ripping from how much you had been carrying around, so I made you a new one!" The God excitedly started to explain the ins and outs of the new bag. More pockets, more rings to place tools on the outside, stronger material and easy to keep goods from falling out.

"Thank you, XD." (y/n) kissed XD's mask as a show of appreciation since she wasn't the best with words.

"Damn it, darling... You barely even used it..." XD sniffled as he examined the bag. It showed no rips or tears and wasn't even that dirty from things like coal or ores.

Something Gods learned growing up was to never get close with mortals. In any way. Romantically or not. Both lived in separate worlds. One with magic and one without. But XD couldn't help but feel something for this mortal. His mortal. HD gave him the most shit when he said something about (y/n). The moment her name came out of his mouth, HD knew his best friend was in it for the long haul.

But now she was gone. Just like that. And there was nothing he could do about it. Even the Goddess of Death said nothing could bring her back besides that back. XD took his mask off and wiped his eyes while he sat on his lovers bed. Her sent still lingered on its sheets, something along the lines of campfire and the forest. It was comforting towards him.

~In Limbo~

"WILBUR, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU ASK ME TO-" (y/n) yelled, trying to patch up the wounds that never seemed to stop bleeding.

"Please! Just one round of solitaire! That's all I ask!" Wilbur begged, getting on his knees in front of the girl. She kicked him away, continuing the argument.

"So... Come around here often?" Schlatt looked over to Mexican Dream, raising his eyebrows and trying to flirt.

"No, actually. I shouldn't even be here.. But it's hilarious to watch these two fight." MD smiled as he raised the bottle to his lips and took a swig. Schlatt groaned and started to down his own drink, knowing he wasn't gonna get anywhere with MD. 

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