JSchlatt, Tubbo and fem!reader- Dad? (ALL PLATONIC!)

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I have a DadSchlatt brainrot, so please take this :) I did leave room for a part two if anyone wants one! Also thank you guys for the huge amount of support! This book has grown so fast and I'm glad people are finding it and enjoying it<3

Word Count: 1,846

"(Y/n)... stay here with Toby.. I'll be back soon, okay?" Schlatt gently put the 4 year old that looked up at her father with curious eyes and held her younger brother tightly. Schlatt was 17 and kicked out of his own home by his parents. Schlatt tried everything to keep the two. Picked up any shift of work he could, starved himself so they could eat, and even stole some extra food from his parents house when they were working. He couldn't do it anymore, he knew the two needed a better father than him. Someone who could provide. So he set them out in a box by the road not too far from home just incase he changed his mind hours later.

"Daddy? Where are you going?" (y/n) asked, her (e/c) eyes glowing under the street lamp. (y/n) was the kid that knew that if her father was sad, she would do anything to make him smile. She always brought him little pebbles she found or showed him a butterfly that landed on her hand as she played outside. But to her question, Schlatt panicked. He couldn't tell her he was leaving them there for someone new.  

"I'm going to go... get you a surprise! Stay right here for me, okay? I'll be back soon." Schlatt said, kissing her forehead and tightening the blanket around her. He ruffled Toby's hair before turning onto his heel and allowing the tears to fall as he walked back into the woods to travel home.

(y/n) watched him leave, before turning to her younger brother who was holding a bee plush in his arms as he shivered. She put most of the blanket around Toby, seeing he was no longer shivering from the cold winter night. But now she was. (y/n) pouted then curled up in the medium box next to her brother and closed her eyes, falling asleep with the hopes of her dad to come and get them soon.

While the two slept, Philza was leading his twins, Technoblade and Wilbur, through the snow back home with a sleeping Tommy in his arms. Techno first saw the box, becoming curious and tapping his brothers shoulder then pointed to the square across the road. Wilbur tilted his head then looked to see if any cars were coming before he grabbed his older brother's hand, dragging him along.

"Hey! What are you two doing?!" Philza yelled at the two who were already at the box, staring at it with curiosity. When Phil got over to them and looked in the box, he saw the two and immediately decided that he was going to take them in and call them his own. Sure, they weren't his kids, but he couldn't leave them out here. A little tag hung from the little boy's bee saying 'please take care of us'. And that's what he did. He told Techno to hold Tommy while he carefully picked up the sleeping kids from the box.

~13 years later~

"(y/n)! Train with me! Techno is being unfair!" Tommy yelled, waving his hand at the older girl who was helping Tubbo fix up some cuts he got from falling. (y/n) sighed and looked at Techno who fixed his cape.

"Tommy... You know I'm not good at PVP." The 17 year old sighed, finishing her brother's bandage before patting his thigh to let him know she was done. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her knees as Tommy walked over.

"You don't need to be! I can help you get better!" Tommy smiled, now towering over the other. Tommy's height never intimidated (y/n). But the fact that he's asking her to fight him made it overwhelming. But right as (y/n) was going to debate with him, a message popped up in chat of Dream telling everyone to meet in L'manburg by Niki's Bakery. (y/n), Tommy and Techno exchanged looks before walking in a group to the destination.

"Everyone, this is Schlatt. He's been unbanned from the server and is going to participate in the election." Dream introduced the ram hybrid, a smirk crossing Schlatt's face as he nodded to everyone as a hello. To (y/n), he looked awfully familiar. The fluffy brown hair and facial hair made her remember someone...

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