Wilbur Soot x fem!reader- Singing By The Water

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This one is going to be like Sapnap's where it's placed in the SMP and this is based in the timeline where Wilbur hasn't gone insane :)

Word Count: 1133  

It was well known that the president of L'manburg and one of his close friends had something going on between them. The constant flirting, (y/n) being like a mother figure to Wilbur's son, Fundy, and a lot more made everyone suspicious of their relationship. But one night, while they all were on the beach together, Wilbur announced it.

"Guys, I have something to say." He said, glancing over at (y/n) as if asking for approval. She gave him a nod and a reassuring smile. A little Fundy made his way over to Wilbur to which he picked him up and set him on his knee while everyone else gathered around. Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other, slightly concerned but shrugged. Eret and Nikki were getting sand out of their boots, but still gave Wilbur their attention. 

"As you know, (y/n) and I have been acting very flirty towards each other and we thought it was time to finally tell you... We've been dating for a few months now." Wilbur said, trying to keep his head up. He was scared that they wouldn't believe in him to be a good leader anymore. But that wasn't the case. Everyone cheered and Fundy did his little giggles, making Wilbur's eyes widen in surprise.

"OOOO! LOOKS LIKE (Y/N) CAN BE THE FIRST LADYYYYY!!" Nikki said happily as she tackled the other female in pure happiness. Tommy wasn't too happy with the announcement, but as long as his friend was happy, he was too. That night was full of laughs, building sand castles and flirting from a specific someone.

"WILBUR I SWEAR IF YOU KICK THIS SAND CASTLE DOWN I WILL BEAT YOU!" (y/n) yelled at her boyfriend as he was about to kick her sand castle so Fundy could win the challenge by a long shot. He walked away, now scared of the power she suddenly held over him. By the time it got dark, (y/n) and Nikki had make a fire by the water so they could stay warm and tell stories.

"Pst, Fundy!" (y/n) called over to the little fox with a smile and his shimmering eyes turned to see her and he happily ran over, Wilbur not even noticing. Fundy's placed his hands on her knees and tilted his head in curiosity.

"How about you go ask dad to play his guitar? He's been working on a new song." She said quietly, pretending to have a guitar in her hands. The little boy nodded happily and immediately ran over to his father and tugged on his sleeve, making Wilbur stop is conversation and look at Fundy with a smile.

"What's up my little champion?" He asked, ruffling his hair, making Fundy's eyes close and his ears flatten as he smiled. He then opened his eyes and pointed to the guitar, asking him to play a song. Thankfully, Fundy didn't mention (y/n) cause Wilbur would have thrown down the offer. But it was Fundy who was asking and he couldn't say no, so Wilbur nodded and called for everyone to circle around the campfire. Tommy and Tubbo walked over, drenched in water and Nikki followed (y/n) from their chairs they were sitting in from looking at the stars.

"So, I have been working on a new song, specifically for L'manburg. It's not done.. But this is what I have." He said as everyone kept their eyes on him as he quickly made sure the guitar was in tune. Tommy and Tubbo sat right in front of the fire in hopes to dry themselves off, Eret leaned back in his seat, Nikki kept her legs crossed as her hands played with the sand and (y/n) sat next to her, Fundy in her lap as he happily awaited his father's song.

"I heard there was a special place, where men could go and emancipate, the brutality and the tyranny of their ruler. Well this place is real, you needn't fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret." The three males smiled brightly as they were mentioned in the song, the younger ones gently hitting each other on the shoulder out of excitement.

"It's a very big place, not blown up, L'manburg.. My L'manburg.. My L'manburg.." He looked up from his guitar, a sign that he wanted everyone to sing along with him. And that's exactly what happened. Everyone sang "my L'manburg" as best as they could while trying to stay in tune. Laughs erupted from the group at Tommy's attempt to sing in a high tone.

The night soon ended as Fundy fell asleep while listening to campfire stories from everyone who decided to share. Good-bye's were said and hugs were given before everyone departed from the beach into their own directions to go home. Wilbur offered for (y/n) to stay the night and she happily agreed as she held the little fox in her arms while he slept.

"That was fun. Thank you, Will." (y/n) looked up to the much taller male with a grin on her face. Wilbur looked down at her and wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing the top of her head gently.

"Of course, babe. I couldn't have done it without you." He said, earning a blush from (y/n). They soon made it home and put Fundy into bed, taking his shoes off before tucking him. Wilbur soon came up behind (y/n), wrapping his arms around her waist and looked at Fundy. (y/n) smiled softly then leaned her head against the others.

"I'm tired.." Wilbur mumbled, burying his face into (y/n)'s neck, earning a light chuckle and her hand running through his hair. His hair was somehow extremely soft for someone who didn't really care for it.

"Let's go to bed then." She said quietly, not trying to wake up Fundy as they were still in the young boys room. Wilbur nodded and picked up the female, walking out of the room and closing the bedroom door quietly. Wilbur put (y/n) on the bed and laid down next to her, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist as he let out a relaxed sigh. 

"Good night, Will..." (y/n) spoke softly as she looked down at the male who was already half-asleep. Wilbur hummed in response, mumbling a good night back to her as he relaxed into her touch. Soon enough the couple fell asleep, (y/n)'s hands keeping Wilbur close to her as if protecting him from any harm.

Sorry if the end was a little confusing! I wanted to end this oneshot with some cuddles between Wilbur and the reader cause I feel he would give the best cuddles (sorry sapnap-) I'm also thinking about making a Tecnoblade or Dream oneshot next- So who do y'all want? 

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