Final Chapter: Miles

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I walked down the sidewalk feeling my ring on my finger. I've been married for one year now and I couldn't be happier. Of course we've had our troubles and our lives didn't start off easy, but I'm glad with how far we've come. So now that I'm here, walking on the sidewalk where we first met I'm feeling nostalgic. Overwhelmed in a way and I felt the urge to go and check out our first home, in a way. The place where I first fell asleep and than Levi came and found me a few hours later.

I turned the corner and entered the small alley, I went by the dumpster that gave me a stomach ache and turned right one more time. I expected to see just the empty corner but to my surprise I saw a woman laying on the ground, not moving. Of course someone would take over this little space, it's nice and safe but... She's facing me... And her eyes are open, unmoving. I took a step closer and with my elbow nudged her hoping she would move, but she didn't. I could feel the cold coming from her and it's the middle of summer.

She's gone.

I went to reach into my bag to call the police but a sound stopped me on my tracks. A sound I was familiar with so I looked behind the woman and my eyes widen. There I saw a little baby, maybe a few months old, wrapped in a dirty sheet and he started to cry loudly. I reached over and took him in my arms, he had blue eyes and black hair, he must be hungry but I don't see any food for him around. I moved him around trying to calm him down and brought out my phone to call the police.


I entered the apartment with the little one in my arms, do I regret bringing him with me? I'm not sure, I called Levi to let him know but he didn't answer. It will only be for two days anyway. Once the police came and they started questioning me they were also talking about what to do with the little one.

His mother was examined and she died because of heart failure, the little one is two months old and they said he would stay in the police station until an orphanage reached back that can take him in. I wasn't heartless enough to let him stay there so I gave all my information and offered to keep him for two days. He was really dehydrated but other than that healthy according to what the doctor said.

I got him food and a few toys to keep him occupied but he will only stay for two days at most. I went to our bedroom and placed him in the middle of the bed. I put a bunch of pillows and blankets around him and let him sleep with his pacifier. I reached in one of the bags and put a teddy bear next to him as well. After that I left the few bags next to the bed and went to the kitchen to place all his food and bottles... Somewhere.

After I was done I went out in the living room and took a deep breath. Levi should be home in a few seconds... The door opened and he came in. That was sooner than I expected. He looked at me and I smiled walking up to him. Immediately I started kissing him not letting him speak.

"I love you a lot." I said and kissed him. "A lot, a lot and you love me too, right?" I kept kissing him.

"Ye-h, I do." kiss. "Umm," kiss. "You called me, " he finally pulled back. "Why did you call me?" I gave him a big smile. "You did something." he glared at me. "What did you do?"

"Ummm... Nothing!"


"Ummm, maybe you should sit down." I chuckled.


"So... There is a little brat in our bedroom right now?" he asked, his elbows were on his knees leaning forward.


"You didn't think that it was important to ask me before you brought a baby home? "

"I told you, it was a last moment decision." he sighed. "It will just be for two days." I took his hand in mine. "I'm sorry... But I couldn't leave him there-"

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