4. A Day

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I looked around hearing voices. I looked at the end of the alley to see some drunk people fighting. They were getting closer to me as they fought and I panicked. I didn't need to go through this again. Getting on my feet I started to leave. I didn't run because I didn't need them to notice me through my sudden movements. 

"Hey, lady! " one of the man yelled. Fucking hell. Why can't you just kill each other and leave me alone? I started to run but someone caught my wrist. 

"Don't you know it's inappropriate to ignore people? " he threw me on the ground hard enough for me to hit my head. He started unzipping his pants. "I think I have to teach you a lesson." the others started doing the same. 

This is the part where I start screaming but I'm actually thinking about letting them have their way with me. This is the sixth time this month and I'm sick of getting scared and yelling everytime this happens. Maybe it won't be so bad.

I was trying to make excuses for myself, I know. To make me feel better but the moment their hands touched me I felt fear run through me. 

My body acted on its own and I started pushing and screaming. I wanted their hands off me now. They started hitting me and calling me names like "Shut up bitch" and hitting my head, probably trying to make me pass out. 

After a while they had taken my pants off and I was screaming at top of my lungs for someone to help me. Was this going to be the day I was going to get raped? Probably. Sure looks like it. I felt their hands reach my panties and I started shaking. My voice was trembling and I started crying. I didn't want this. I was scared. For as ridiculous as it may sound, I wanted my mom. You can never be old enough to not want your mom when you are scared and right now I'm more than scared. 

I felt their hands reach the inside and then it was gone. I heard fighting and looked up. Through my tears I saw some men fighting off the people who were on top of me. A hand touched my shoulder and I looked back scared but calmed down when I saw a girl handing me my pants. I took them and quickly put them on. 

"Are you ok?" the girl asked me, smiling probably to keep me calm and not panic. 

I nodded my head. "Yeah... Thank you. " it barely came out as a whisper. My voice hurts from all the yelling. The men stopped fighting and approach me. 

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you? " one of the men reach out to touch my head, probably to examine it because of all the blood coming out of it. I backed away to scared to let him touch me even though he just saved with his other two friends. 

"I don't think you should do that. " the girl spoke. "I mean think about what she just went through. " 

"Right. Sorry. " the man apologized.

"Hey," the girl spoke softly and touched my hand. I felt more relaxed with her. She was a girl so I let her touch me. "Can I clean this up?" she pointed at my head. I nodded and we went a bit further away to clean my wounds. 

"My name is Sophia." she smiled softly pulling some stuff out of her back. "What's yours? "

I had to think for a second. This had been the first time in six years someone had asked me what my name is. "(Y/N)." I finally remembered. She nodded and started cleaning my head. 

It hurt but I kept it in. This was good for me. After a while she finished and she asked me if I had any other wounds. I showed her some and after a while they left. Me thanking them over and over again and them saying it was nothing. When I turned back I saw twenty dollars sitting where we were sitting. And I knew she didn't dropped it either. What a sweet girl. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now