3. Stay With Me

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I looked to my right, to see (Y/N) sleeping. It had been a couple of hours since she fell asleep and I had to wake her up. It was dark outside and she had to take her medicine. If I had to guess, I'd say it's about nine o'clock. I didn't want to wake her but I thought it'd be better if she ate and took her medicine now and sleep for the rest of the night rather than waking her up later or not at all. 

I shake her arm gently and she opened her eyes slowly. She looked up to me. 

"What is it? " she asked rubbing her eyes. She sounded a bit better than before. Not good but at least I could make out what she was saying without struggling. 

"You have to eat and take your medicine. " I answered, I tried to be gentle but it sounded like I was ordering her. 

She gave me a confused look and looked outside. The cloth was covering us but you could still see if the sun was up or not and right now it was pitch black outside. Her eyes widen and she turned her attention to me. She got up, supporting her weight on her elbow and it started to shake, showing me that she couldn't even support her own weight. 

"I'm so sorry Levi, I over slept I didn't mean to stay so long. Honestly I was just planning to sleep for like, an hour or so, I'm sorry I'll just leave now. " she got up to leave but I immediately pulled her back down, reacting way to fast since I noticed that she was probably dizzy from the way she was standing. 

"It's okay brat,  don't worry, if I wanted you to leave I would have waken you up earlier. " I pulled her under the blanket. She struggled but was to weak to actually push me away. 

"Am I not bothering you though?" she started sounding like before. Weak. I couldn't let her leave like that. 

"No, your not bothering me. " I turned around and grabbed her sandwich from before and her medicine. "Actually, I like having you around. " I gave her her sandwich to eat it and she looked at me thinking. 

"So...  When do you want me to leave? " she grabbed her sandwich and opened it. Her movements were slow again, like before, she didn't have the energy to do anything. I looked at her thinking. She took a bite. 

"You don't have to leave if you don't want to. Honestly you can stay with me. " she started coughing. She leaned forward, bringing her hand up to her mouth and in fell the food she had in her mouth. Probably should have waited for her to swallow. 

"You serious? " she looked at me in disbelief. I nodded and handed her a tissue to put the food in.  "Why would you want me to stay? I can't steal, I can't get a job, I'm annoying... The list goes on, why would you let me stay with you? " she looked so confused and honestly I don't blame her. What she said was true, for anyone else she would only be a burden. 

"Honestly, the reason is: one you will die out there on your own. Your sick and without you taking some sort of medicine you'll die in a couple of months," she looked down kinda sad. She probably thought I took pity in her and kept her around just for her sickness and didn't care about her actual personality at all. Wrong. 

"But, the main reason is that I enjoy your company. "She looked up. "Sure you've been sleeping most of the time but your the first person in years that has came up to me without judging me for how poor I am or make fun of me. You actually talk to me and understand me and it doesn't matter how stoic or bored and mean I may look, I'm a human too and I missed talking to someone. " she looked at me with wide eyes. "So what do you say brat? Will you stay? "

"Yes! Yes I'd love to but... What can I do for you? I can't just stay and do nothing! " she had a point. I could barely take care of myself and doing double job for her, as well, would be tiring. If she was going to stay she'd have to take care of her self and I'd help her. Still though. 

"Get better and then we'll talk about what you'll do. "

"OK...  Are there any rules I have to follow? " she leaned back resting. She probably felt tired now that the excitement died down. 

"The main one is to keep clean this little box we live in. " I pointed at the place. "We're dirty enough as it is, we don't need to dirty more the place we sleep in. " she nodded and took a bite continuing eating. Once she was done I gave her her medicine and she laid down completely and I did the same looking at her. 

"Am I really not bothering you? " she asked again. 

"No, you're really not. I want you to stay with me because I don't want to be alone anymore. I enjoy your company and I think we could both benefit from each other. " this was so out of character for me. Maybe she got me sick to and I didn't notice. Either way, what I was saying was true. 

"Ok then. I'll take your word for it. And thank you for this. You really don't know how much this means to me. I no longer have to be alone and... Scared. Sure I've been living on the streets for years but... It's really not easy especially when you are a girl. "

"What do you mean? "

"Alleys are the go to place for people on the streets to go to sleep. I am the same, a lot of times I had to sleep in alleys and I met a lot of homeless people but... But homeless people are not the only people you find in alleys during the night." my eyes widen in realization. Please don't say what I think your going to say. 

"Drunk people, drug addicts... Just over all people looking for someone to bit up. Or if you are a girl the famous lines of wanting to get laid always is heard during the night. I got sick of hearing them and drunk people trying to force them selfs on me. I never had enough strength to push them off or to fight back... "

"Please don't tell me someone force you to- "

She cut me off. "No, no don't worry. A lot of people tried but I would usually scream until someone heard me or until they got sick of hearing me. They sure got close though. "

I instantly relaxed. A moment like this should be something she looks back to and feel happy, not scared. I may be mean and look like I don't care but this is a really important subject for me. My mother used to be a prostitute back in France before she met my dad so I know this is something you should handle carefully. 

I brought my hand up to her cheek. She was shaking, probably remembering stuff she didn't want to remember. I tried to calm her down. She looked up to me. "Don't worry." I whispered. "I won't let anyone touch you. " she smiled weakly and nodded. She closed her eyes, trusting me. "Sleep." she changed position getting more comfortable and I did the same letting myself get involved in darkness for the night. 


Short, I know, but it's important and I warned you. 



Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now