28. Levi's First Day

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I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today. (Y/N) had a hangover and she was very whiny, I had to call Hange to tell her (Y/N) wouldn't go to work today. She couldn't even get to the bathroom without supporting herself on the wall. 

And she is like this just after four glasses of wine! Imagine what she'll be like if she has a proper drink. 

Hange said that it was fine if she didn't go to work but that's not what's bothering me. Today is my first day at work and I have to leave her alone and I don't think that's a good idea. She's sitting on the bed petting Noir while I got ready to leave. 

When I finished putting my coat on I went over to her and kissed her forehead. I stroked her hair a little, hopping it would calm her down a bit. 

"I have to go. " I whispered because of her headache. 

"When will you come back?" she quietly asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe around two? " I wasn't sure because it was my first day. 

"Okay. " she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. 

I pat Noirs head and left. I got out of the building and called a taxi. After waiting for a few minutes it showed up and I got inside. The driver started the car after I gave him the address of my work. Realization hit me like a brick. 

I was going to work. 

I can only hope nothing goes wrong. I don't want to screw this up. If we're lucky next month me and (Y/N) will be able to rent a house. An apartment, a small one but it will still be something. I don't want something bad to happen. 

I don't want the police on my ass to be specific. 

I don't want to go to jail for something I haven't done and I hate the feeling that still to this day I don't know if I'm safe or not. Me putting my information out there is risky but I've lived on the streets for long enough. 

Lost in thought I didn't realize I had arrived at my destination. I payed the driver and got out. I went to the reception at the entrance of the building and saw Petra behind the big counter. 

"Hi Petra." I said with no emotion in my voice. 

She looked up at me and smiled. 

"Hi Levi. " she excitedly said. "Today's your first day? "

"Yeah. " I looked around. "Can you tell me where Mike is? "

"Sure. He's on the third floor. " I nodded and left. 

Since I was going to work with Mike I had to check in with him first. From what they told me the boss might want to talk with me but they weren't sure. When the elevator came to a stop I got out. I saw a girl with white -blond hair and glasses sitting on a desk. There weren't many other people sitting on the floor but there were many doors. 

I walked up to her.

"Excuse me? " she looked up. "Can you tell me where Mike's office is? "

"Are you Levi? " 

"Yes. "

"That door over there. " she pointed at one behind me and I went to it without saying anything else to her. 

I knocked on the door and I heard a voice telling me to go in. I opened the door and saw Mike sitting behind a desk looking at the computer screen. I closed the door and he looked up. 

"Hi Levi. " I nodded and sat on a chair. 

"Hi Mike. " 

"Don't sit down. Get up, the boss wants to see you. " he got up. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now