29. Paid

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I left work and went to the supermarket. I was beyond excited because I finally got paid. I felt amazing and started thinking about all the things I wanted to buy but the thought left as soon as it came. Thanks to tips I have six hundred and twenty dollars but I wasn't going to spend them on anything. 

The only thing I was going to buy is more food for us because we promised that we wouldn't take food from the shelter. I bought the usual stuff except for water. We now had fresh water, I just had to refill the bottles. I thought about buying something to cook in the kitchen but I didn't find it necessary so I just left with the usual stuff that would last us for maybe two or three weeks. 

Before I left the town to go to the shelter I stopped and thought. I don't have anything to do there. Sure Noir is waiting for me but Levi won't be back for another one and a half hours so I won't have anything to do. 

The books we have, I have read them three times already and I want something new. We don't have internet so that's not an option. Maybe I can stop at a library and borrow two books for us. Plus I could just make a card, it will come useful, both me and Levi enjoy reading. 

I don't think they are expensive either. 

I walked to a library I have been passing by every day going to work and got in. It was really nice and warm. I saw blonde hair behind the counter but the person was facing down, reading, so I couldn't see his face. 

The groceries weren't heavy so I took them with me and looked around the different shelves. I kept thinking about what type of book I wanted. 

The books we have are romance. Both of them so something different would be a good idea. In the end I got a fantasy book for me and a horror one for Levi. I remember him telling me he liked dark, scary stories. They weren't his favorite, he preferred action, but I want to go home and I don't want to sit and look at all the action novels. 

I'll get him an action story next time. 

I went to the counter and cleared my throat to get the boys attention. He looked up and I smiled. It was Armin from the Christmas party. 

"Hi Armin. " I extended my hand. 

"Hi (Y/N)." he smiled and shook my hand. "How are you? "

"I'm fine, how are you? " I put the books on the counter. 

"I'm fine too.  What are you doing here? " he excitedly asked me. 

"I came to borrow some books. " I tapped my fingers on them. 

"Really? " he looked at them. "That's good to hear. Not many people come to borrow books now days."

"Yeah, they either don't care or read online which is sad. " he took the books and brought out a big notebook. "it's a different experience to hold the book and reading." 

"Yeah, some people come in but it doesn't happen often. " he kept writing as he spoke. "What's really sad is that some people make fun of books. One time a group of teenagers came in and started laughing because the store existed and called me stupid for reading. But I think they were drunk. " he smiled and looked at me. 

"That sucks, if it makes you feel better you will have me as a regular. " I smiled. 

"That's nice. In that case how about you make a card?" he jumped. I guess not many people make cards. 

"How much is it? " I hated that question. 

"It's ten dollars. " I thought for a moment. 

"Maybe another time because I have to make two. One for me and one for Levi, but I will make one when I get the chance, I promise." I reassured him. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now