55. Vacation (4)

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I walked down the sand feeling it burn my feet. It felt a little awkward wearing a bikini after so many years but oh well. It's not like I was the only one. Me and Levi found a good spot close to the ocean and placed our towels down. As I sat on mine I saw Levi immediately taking off his shirt and jumping in the water before he put sun cream on.

Something he really needed seeing how damn white he was.

"Levi! " I yelled from my spot but not loud enough to draw attention. Good thing he wasn't that far in.

"What? " he brought his head out of the water.

"You forgot to put sun cream on! You'll get burned. " I showed him the bottle in my hands and started putting some on me.

"Okay. I'll put some on when I get out." he said and started swimming further in.

"No Levi, now you will or later it will be too late. " I said and struggled a little with trying to put some on my back.

What's up with him? He's usually the one being responsible, I guess people are right when they say men don't grow up. And I guess that goes for every man about some things.

"No it won't be. Now come inside already! " he went underwater again.

I rolled my eyes and got up after finishing putting on enough cream. I placed my dress in the bag and slowly made my way to the water.

Unlike Levi who immediately went inside I waited a few seconds slowly going in to get used to the water. When the water reached my belly I was preparing myself to go all the way in when I felt hands around my feet and before I knew it I was inside the water.

"Ah! " I yelled but was very soon cut off by the water.

When I went back up I got the hair out of my face only to see Levi chuckling and I glared at him.

"Oh come on, don't give me that look. You took way too long. " he said and hugged me.

"Whatever, you still didn't have to do that you know. " I mumbled. I wasn't as mad as I should be, we were just having fun after all.

"Alright. Come on, let's go further inside. " he said and we both went further in.

Not too much though because we still had to look after our stuff.

"Why do you have be such an idiot? " I asked him and placed my arms around his neck.

"Just because. We are on vacation and I don't care about anything to be honest. I just want to have fun with you, I can go back to be the grumpy old guy when we get back. " he said and kissed me when he was done.

I could taste the salt on his lips. He was right. I'd give him that. However that didn't mean that he had to be irresponsible. Whatever, he's a big boy and I warned him. At this point he'll face the consequences later. I smiled and pulled back from the kiss.

"Whatever. You know what you're doing. " he nodded and kissed me again.

We stayed in the water for twenty minutes before we went back outside. I laid on the towel with a pair of sunglasses on while Levi ate something we had bought earlier. I got jealous thinking about how hungry I was and I sat up and took some of his food.

"Hey! What are you doing? " he pulled his food back away from me.

"I'm eating some of your food. " I said and extended my hand to try and grab some more.

"Leave my food alone. Get something else from the bag. " he said and turned his back to me.

I sighed and looked into the bag and grabbed something to eat as well.

"You can turn back now. I grabbed food. " I said with a mouthful.

He turned back around and we went back to eating.

"Good. Why would you try and eat from my food? " he asked.

"Because it was right in front of me. "


"By the way you still haven't put on sun cream. " I said and took another bite.

"Yeah yeah. I'll put on some when I'm done eating. " I nodded my head.

It took him ten minutes to finish eating and another ten to remember to put the cream on. After that we went back into the water and back out and in again. We stayed for a few hours taking it all in. Around five we went to a small tavern that was on the beach to eat a proper meal. I was very interested to see how Levi would be when we got to the hotel because I had put more sun cream on but he hadn't.

I was wearing the dress that I wore when we came and we ordered something small. We were both very tired so not much was said during our stay there. We had plans to walk over the beach and watch the sunset but we decided to just go to the hotel and rest. It was a good day anyway and we could always watch the sunset tomorrow.

When we entered our room we had a shower and then laid on the bed. Levi in his underwear and I in just one of his shirts. I was staring at the ceiling until I heard Levi growl next to me and I looked at him.

"Are you okay? " I asked.

"Not really... "

"What's wrong? " I could already tell what was wrong. His back was red and so were his arms and... Pretty much his entire body.

"Really brat? I feel like I'm burning... " he turned his head to the side to look at me.

"Is that so? Will I be a bad guy if I say I told you so?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes you will be. I'm in pain! " he didn't really yell or anything. I mast admit he was cute.

I reached over to the night stand and grabbed the phone. I called the receptionist and asked for something and then waited to have it delivered. After some minutes Levi fell asleep and I was close too until I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. I got what I asked for and closed the door after thanking the man.

I went to the bed and opened the small thing in my hands. I placed my hand in the white substance and started putting it on Levi's back who the moment my hand came in contact with him gasped and raised his head.

"W-what are you doing? " he sleepily asked.

"I'm putting yogurt on you for your burns. " I casually said and kept putting more on him.

"What..? That's disgusting!.. ..Stop. " he tried to move but I pinned him down and he couldn't do anything because he was much weaker than I was right now.

"Yeah. Sure when I cover you. You will feel better soon and I will help wash you when it's time to get it off. " I said and moved to his arms.

"That's truly disgusting... I hate you. " he put his head back down and closed his eyes.

"Yeah yeah. " I rolled my eyes.

He fell asleep before I finished. When I did I washed my hands and went back on the bed. I turned on the TV in the room after closing the curtains and watched something until I fell asleep.



Shout-out to my lovely patreon anniemura123


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