10. Job

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I woke up to a strange, welcoming sound. The sound of birds singing, signalling the day had officially started. I felt warm and happy. I remembered the day before and I moved a little feeling the bed underneath me. 

Levi had his arms wrapped around me and I smiled. I listened to the sound of the birds and turned around looking at Levi's sleeping face. He's still asleep. Should I do something before he wakes up? 

I wanted to prepare breakfast for him. Come wake him up with a kiss and spend our morning cuddling. But that was just wishful thinking. I couldn't do any of that. The only thing I can do is grab a sandwich and give it to him. How nice. I just want us to have a normal morning. But I'm not complaining, we live under better circumstances now.  

We have a house now. Yes it's small and cold. We sleep on the floor, on a mattress we found in the garbage, and we are wearing no clothes because we don't have a second set, but we've been through worse so this morning was going to be different. 

I brought my hand up to Levi's cheek. He looks so peaceful. I gave him a kiss and he started to wake up. He looked at me. 

"Good morning. "I smiled. 

"Morning. " he rubbed his eyes. "What time is it? "

"We don't have a clock. But if I had to guess I'd say it's about eight. "

"Ok." he turned and gave me a kiss. "I'm going to pee. "

He got up from the bed and I was left staring at his body. I couldn't pee in the toilet because of how dirty it was, I couldn't sit, but since Levi just stands he doesn't have a problem. After a while he came back and grabbed our food and water before he sat next to me. 

"What are we doing today? " I started eating. 

"I was going to look for a job. I don't know about you. " he also took a bite. 

"I don't know. I hoped to spend the day together. "

He sighed and placed his hand on my cheek. 

"Trust me I want to, but we can't just sit in here. We're close to town now and we have more access to the shops. Plus If we stay in here all day we won't have anything to do, we don't have a TV, or anything. So let's go to town and look for a job ok? "

I nodded my head. He was right, plus who knows when it'll start raining again. We might as well look for a job. 

We finished and we got downstairs and grabbed our clothes. Luckily they had dried off but the moment I put them on I realized how cold they were. 

"Let's go brat. "

Levi and I went out the door holding hands. After walking for half an hour we arrived at the town square. 

"Ok, let's try something different this time. Instead of going together let's go alone. We'll see more jobs this way. Let's stay in town all day and meet up here at eight ok? We have the clock now. " he pointed at the clock on top of a building. 

I nodded, kissed him and we headed opposite directions. The feeling of me being alone again looking for a job was kinda of nostalgic but it only made me realize how lucky I am to not be alone anymore. 

I had been looking for jobs for about one hour and nothing. Obviously. They all ask for the damn paper I don't have. Without realizing it I found myself in the "green" part of town. it was beautiful with parks and the forest a couple of steps away. It was truly beautiful with kids playing and couples hanging out. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now