14. Shopping

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I was running like crazy taking ordes. Today was a crazy day and we had so many costumers I was loosing my mind. I had bummed into the other waitresses at least once and of course same goes for them too. 

Sasha was calling names and numbers like crazy and it had gone to the point where even Hanji came out to help. Of course today would be a good day for Levi to be here to help but he decided to stay home today saying he had something to do. Plus he insisted on me taking his jacket because it was way too cold outside and he wouldn't need it if he stayed home. 

Elijah and the others had come again today and they left me fifteen dollars again. With all the people ordering I couldn't thank them but that also meant more tips for me. I hadn't count them but I definitely had over twenty dollars. 

That means that if I have just twenty dollars plus the eighty three, that's one hundred and three dollars. I'm definitely going shopping today for stuff we need, I was already planning to do that but now I have more money to buy more stuff with that are important but I wouldn't buy them because I didn't have enough money. 

I still had thirty minutes left before the end of my shift and for the first time today I sat in a chair. I brought my hand up to my forehead and rested. I don't want to get up again. After a minute I calmed down my breath, because I was literally running, and decided to count the money. 

I had a total of twenty two dollars. So that's one hundred and five dollars. That's way too much money but I'm not complaining. I looked up and saw someone calling for me. That didn't last long. I got up and went to see what the costumer want. He wants to pay. Yes! One less!!! He paid and left. 

At the end of my shift I had plus ten dollars so now I have one hundred and fifteen. I'm exited to go shopping!!! I must have enough to buy all the necessary stuff we need. I went to take off my apron but someone called me over. One more costumer won't hurt. 

It was a lady who wanted to pay and she left me three dollars. Even more!!! I took off my apron just as Hanji walked by carrying an empty tray and looked at me. 

I smiled. "I'm done! That's it, my shift is over!!! "I placed the apron on the tray. "See you in five hours!!! "

I laughed and quickly put on my hoodie and Levi's jacket. 

"No, (Y/N) please!!! Don't leave!!! "I heard Hanji screaming but I was already out the door. 

Of course if Hanji wanted me to stay over time I would have but she didn't asked me like two other employees so I knew she was just joking. I was walking while holding the money in my pocket. I had so much money right now it felt weird. 

The first thing I was going to buy was clothes. I needed better and more clothes for the job. I can't go every day wearing the same thing and I would also buy some nice clothes for Levi that actually fit him. Clothes are expensive but there is this shop that sells clothes from other countries in low prices so I'm going there. 

The clothes aren't top quality but if I want buy a whole set of clothes at a price that wouldn't make me want to kill myself I had to go there. Plus the clothes aren't even that bad there just not from a very well known designer. Their just normal. 

I arrived at the store and entered. Some people were here shopping but I didn't pay any attention to them. I walked down the store looking at the different clothes and of course prices. I looked at some sets they had and tried on a few. I was only going to buy one but I still had to try them. 

Eventually I decided to buy a set of dark jeans and a dark blue shirt. I have to wear dark colors at work so this was perfect. The price was seven dollars. A better offer then buying them separately. I'm done. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now