5. Stealing

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Today was going to be a big day. Levi and I were going to steal. Well, more like Levi was going to teach me how to. I was kinda of exited. Is that a bad thing? Either way I was getting ready. I put on the hoodie Levi bought me. It was actually really warm and fluffy. 

"You ready? " Levi asked me. He was wearing his "new" clothes. These ones suit him beter and he looks cleaner than before. 

"Yeah I'm ready. " there weren't really much for me to put on. My black pants, a black shirt and this hoodie were all the things I had. I had taken my clothes off the day before to clean them up. Levi obviously didn't see me naked, I was always covered by the blanket and now they had dried off so I put them back on. 

We went out on the street and Levi started explaining. 

"OK do you see this guy over there? " he pointed at someone on the other side of the road. I nodded. "This will be our target for the day. " again I nodded. "I've been doing this for years so just do what I say and everything will be fine. "

I nodded again. I was nervous but I knew this was something I had to do. We ran out of food, I mean with two people is to be expected, and we had to eat something. We didn't eat anything yesterday. Levi reach out and started fixing my hair. I know where this is going. 

We went on the other side of the road and we hid behind a wall. 

"OK. This guy has his wallet in his pocket. " I took a look. How did he see that? "I will go in this store and when he gets close enough you'll bam into him. Then I want you to start talking to him, apologize and stuff like that. If you feel comfortable touch his hand a little bit to distract him more ok?" I nodded. It sounded easy. 

The guy was getting closer so Levi went in the store before he had the time to explain what he would be doing. Either way, I trusted him. The guy came close and I did what I had to do. 

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking are you ok?" I grabbed his hand like he told me to do. I wasn't scared to do it so I did it. 

"No, no it's okay I wasn't looking where I was going either. " he bend down and grabbed his phone witch he was previously holding. 

Levi came out, as the man went to stan, and run into him.

 He grabbed his wallet as he did but the man quickly turned around making Levi drop the wallet towards my direction so that the man wouldn't see it. 

"What the fuck man? " the man yelled at Levi who didn't look faced by this. My heart was racing thinking he saw him grab the wallet. 

"Sorry I wasn't looking. " Levi answered unfazed. 

"Like hell you weren't. You just got mad because I was talking to such a nice woman. " the man shot back. I rolled my eyes at the comment. Levi is probably going to play along with this man who says I'm pretty. Boy, if only if you knew when was the last time I took a shower. 

"So what if I got mad? It's not like you knew her since yesterday! You just run into her like the idiot you are and if you get a shot at her why not me too? " Levi pushed him. He should be an actor honestly. I'm not really faced by what is happening, these type of conversations happen all the time. 

"And why is that you want to talk to her before I do? I only got to say hi before you showed up and ruined everything. " the man pushed Levi too. Are men really that stupid? 

"A girl like her shouldn't have to deal with idiots like you. She deserves someone better to actually take care of her and someone better looking too, you idiot. " how flattering Levi, thank you. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now