37. Contracts

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It's been ten days since we checked the houses and me and Levi exited the building with smiles on our faces. We just signed the contract for our small, tiny, little house and I'm happy. We told the owner of the house, whose name I learn is Maria, that we would give her the rest of the money in two days. 

I asked Hange when I was going to get paid and after a small conversation I told her I needed them for something and she said she would pay me a bit earlier. Just a few days so it wasn't a big deal. Not to mention Levi, he's getting paid tomorrow as well and we are going to go shopping for our house I'm so freaking excited! 

I really can't wait to move in. We'll be able to decorate it how we want, go and buy some more clothes because we keep wearing the same ones and most importantly of all. The thing I'm most looking forward to.

Grocery shopping. 

Lost in thought I didn't even realize when Levi picked me up and started spinning with me in his arms. I guess he's happy, I could feel his smile on my neck and I could even hear a small laugh. 

I wasn't able to keep it in and I laughed as well. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer. After a few seconds he put me down and kissed me. I kissed back without hesitation. The kiss was sweet and passionate. When he pulled back he looked lovingly into my eyes. 

"We did it. " he laughed. 

"Yeah, we did. " I laughed as well. I went to kiss him again but he picked me up again and went in circles. 

"Thank you so much. " he mumbled in my neck. 

"What for?" I laughed and he placed me down. 

"For doing all of this for me. I've only known you for... Almost three months but... You've really changed my life. Like, literally, you pulled me out of the streets and now we're moving into a house. Thank you. " he rested his forehead against mine. 

"Than you too. Everything you said goes for me as well. I wouldn't be here without you." I looked into his eyes. 

"Strange what someone can do to you in such short time. " he kissed my nose. 

"Mmm." I didn't know what to say so I just smiled. 

"Come on. " he took my hand in his and started walking. 

"Where are we going? " I looked in front of me. 

"We're going to get an internet connection. As well as a phone, I went long enough without one. I'll also need them for the job. " he kept walking still holding my hand. I found it weird because he's never done this before, for such a long time at least, but I didn't say anything. 

"Will Maria be okay with it? " I looked at him. 

"Yeah. " he nodded. "I asked her, don't worry. "

"When did you ask her? "

"When you were reading the contract. "

I nodded and looked in front of me again. We had discussed this with Levi. For some reason he asked me to singed it and I'm guessing I'll also sing this one. Not that I mind, I just wish I knew the reason. I only heard him murmur something about "not wanting to risk it more. "... I don't know. 

We kept walking in comfortable silence for twenty minutes until we arrived at a store to get internet in our house. Levi went to the counter to talk because I don't know anything about this stuff and I just looked around. 

Ten minutes later Levi called me over and I stood next to him. 

"She is going to sign the papers, not me. " he said and showed me a few papers. 

"Excuse me but are you going to leave together? This is just typical, I hope you understand. " the woman said. "I can't have a stranger sing things for you. "

"Yes, don't worry." I smiled. "We're moving together, no need to worry. " I took a pen. 

"Okay then. " she looked like she had something else she wanted to say but in the end she didn't open her mouth. 

After I finished with the papers I gave them back to the woman to examine them. 

"Alright, give me a minute. " she looked at her computer. 

We spent thirty more minutes there going through some papers and stuff but I didn't understood much. It was mostly Levi who did the talking. 

"Okay, so this is your number. " she gave us a card. "Someone will come at your place on Monday to install everything. " she smiled. 

"Do we have to pay for something now? " I raised an eyebrow. 

"No, you will start paying next month. " I nodded. 

With that said, we said goodbye and left the store. 

"This almost doesn't feel real. " Levi looked at the sky. 

"I know, but it is. " I took his hand in mine and he looked at me. "We're finally doing this." I could feel tears in my eyes. But they were happy, I was happy. But I kept them in because it would be stupid if I started crying out of nowhere. 

He rested his forehead against mine again and smiled. I guess even he can't hide the fact that he is happy. 

"Come on, let's go home. We have to rest. Unfortunately we still have work in two hours." he started walking and I stood next to him with my hand in his. 

I completely forgot about work. Why do we have to go? Ugh. I'm not complaining. I'm not. I'm stupid. Stop. I'm tired. 


After walking for forty minutes we entered our room and I laid on the bed as soon as my coat and shoes were off. After a few seconds Levi laid next to me. His arm laid on my stomach and his head on my chest. I started messing with his hair. 

"It takes fifty minutes to get to work. I have to leave in a few minutes. " I quietly said. I was tired and Noir was sleeping. I wish I was a cat, I'm so jealous. 

"No. " his grip tightened around me. "You'll come with me with the taxi. You're not leaving yet. " he said. 

I really liked the sound of that. Levi's job is an hour and forty minutes away, that's why he has to take a taxi. He arrives there in thirty or forty minutes by driving. The location of our new home is closer to both jobs so that's nice. 

"We should make cards for the bus. " I said without thinking. The idea just popped in my head. 

"Yeah, that sounds nice. " he nodded his head. 

We stayed silent for a few minutes until I set the alarm on my phone. We were already dressed so we didn't have to worry about getting ready. We would sleep for only thirty minutes but even that was better then nothing. 

"Oh, by the way. " Levi said quietly. He was very close to sleeping. 


"I will borrow Erwin's car in two days so we can go shopping. "

"I know it's Saturday but don't you have work? "

"I took the day off. "

I nodded and fell asleep. 


I know it's a little short but I felt like it had to end there. To be honest I'm scared about writing the next part, it's going to be huge, I have three shopping lists not to mention the cleaning and getting the house ready... I might have to split it up. 



Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now