7. She's Cute

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This felt nice. It felt right. I was awake holding her and threre isn't another place in the world I'd rather be. I had forgotten how it felt. To be in a relationship with someone, the last one I had was seven years ago before the disaster.

I'm not in love with her but I do feel connected to her in so many different levels. I don't know when I started thinking like this. What I do know is that I like her, a lot. What I said about her was true. I liked the relationship I had build with her and wanted to take it to the next level. 

I was holding her while she was sleeping peacefully. The sun was going to come out in two hours and luckily the rain had stopped meaning we could both go out and look for a job. Let's hope it doesn't start again. I looked at her smiling. Damn why am I always like this, in relationships? I turn into a big softy and I'm so out of character. 

The blanket had fallen a bit off her shoulders so I covered her smiling remembering when she did it for me three days ago. 


I felt something  over my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see what it was. I saw the blanket and it was really close to my neck making sure the cold could get in as less as possible. I turned slowly and saw (Y/N) opening her book. 

She was awake before me which was something that happened these past two days. She was no longer sick like before, now she had a simple cold that would end in a day or two and apparently when she is sick like that she has trouble sleeping. 

She was the one who covered me with the blanket. How sweet... What? Oh forget it. I stayed in "bed " for  two more hours, sleeping every now and then but not much because of my insomnia. After that I sat up and greeted her.


"Good morning. How did you sleep? "

"I slept fine. Warmer than usual. " she smiled and went back to reading her book. 

I looked in the box and saw that we only had one sandwich left. She was sick and for as hungry as I may be, she needs the food more than me. I handed it to her. She looked at it and then back at me. 

"Where's yours?"

"We only have this one and you need it more. Don't worry I'll go and steal later when the sun comes out. "

She seemed to be thinking about something. I grabbed my book and started reading while listening to her unwrapping it. I tried to focus on the book and not the sound of her eating because I was stupid hungry. 

I heard the wind getting stronger and it got colder. I got more under the blanket. It was really cold outside today and I didn't want to go out. There is this lady that leaves above us that puts the TV higher than normal and we heard yesterday that today there were going to be really strong winds so last night I got some rocks to keep the cloth in place. 

 As I was reading a sandwich was suddenly in front of my face. I looked up at (Y/N). It was half of her sandwich. 

"Don't worry I cut the part I bit. "

I pushed it back at her and answered her coldly. 

"I don't need it brat. Like I said I'm going to steal later. "

"Like hell you are. In this weather I'm not letting you out. The wind is all over the place and it's cold, it's freezing. You are going to eat this to put something in your stomach and if it gets better later I might let you go. But for now you are going to eat this and stay under that blanket like your life is depending on it. "

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now