64. Past Months 4

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Yes it was an April Fools joke. I hope you had a good laugh at my stupid joke.


"Yeah, unfortunately I can't come over today to work on the project, I have something to do, but tomorrow I'll be free all day since its Sunday so if you can we can meet up tomorrow. " I said over the phone to Iman who called me to see if we could work on the project.

"I don't know if I'll be free, I'll message you later tonight to let you know. " she answered and I felt a little like shit, she sounded so distant... Anyway I hang up after saying goodbye and went back to preparing for tonight.

Tonight was dinner night with Mikasa and Eren. Was I looking forward to it? Yes and no. I could only hope that it wouldn't be one of those awkward dinners but at the end of the day we were friends with them so we had higher chance of having a good time. I turned to Levi after putting on my shirt only to see him laying on the bed doing something on his phone.

"What are you doing? " I sat next to him.

"Talking with Erwin. He's going to talk with Nile tonight, talk about why he did what he did. " he didn't look at me.

"Is that a good idea? How does he even know he will tell him the truth?"

"He doesn't but he can hope. At the end of the day they were childhood friends. They were like brothers, it makes sense that Erwin would want to hear his side as well. " he turned off the phone and sat up. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, we can leave whenever you want. " he nodded and stood up going into the bathroom.

Noir jumped on the bed and sat on my lap but I immediately removed her.

"Sorry little one, can't have you dirtying my pants. " I smiled but she turned her back to me and laid down.

Levi came and grabbed his coat.

"Let's go and get this dinner done and over with." I nodded and stood up.

I grabbed my things and exited the house with him after putting on my coat as well. We took a taxi and arrived at their house thirty minutes later. At first I stood there wondering if we had the wrong address. The house was huge! From what I remember Eren is a doctor plus the owner of a clinic so maybe it's his? It didn't really matter because I still felt uncomfortable going in there.

"(Y/N)?" Levi asked from where he was standing outside the door. "Are you coming? "

"Yeah. " I walked up to him and knocked on the door.

The door opened and we were greeted by Eren.

"Oh hi! " he smiled. "Come in."

I smiled back and we got inside. He took us straight to the dining room which was bigger then our house. Actually it was triple the size, why does everyone have big houses?

"I'm going to call Mikasa, I'll be right back. " Levi nodded and we sat down.

"Stop staring brat. " he said when Eren was no longer in the room.

"But it's so big. " I kept staring at the ceiling.

"Haven't you been in a big house before? "

"Not really." I finally looked at him. "But you're right, I should stop. "

We sat watching the table with the foods for the next minute until Mikasa and Eren came back.

"So, can someone explain to me why we are having this dinner? " Levi asked after a minute of silence and I glared at him.

"Because your mom wanted us to. You are not exactly the easiest person, having people she trusts talking to you calms her down. " Mikasa said and grabbed her wine glass.

"I talk with her a couple of times during the week, is that not enough? " Levi crossed his arms, he was annoyed to say the least.

"No it's not since you refuse to answer some of her basic questions, like what you have been doing these past years."

"Can we just stop and eat?" Eren rubbed his eyes. "You are making this worse then it has to be. "

"Right, sorry. " Mikasa said and started putting food on her plate.

"So Eren," Levi said and started putting food on his plate as well. I did the same. "I asked you a couple of weeks ago if we could come to the clinic and have a check up?"

"Oh, yes about that. I have an appointment ready for you next Tuesday at two, does that work for you? "

Levi looked at me.

"It's fine with me. " I smiled. I'll ask Jean to cover me for an hour, should be fine.

"Me as well. " said Levi.

"Good, I'll be waiting for you then. " Eren smiled and started eating.

"(Y/N)." Mikasa started and I looked at her. "Do you know what the meeting is going to be about on Monday? "

"I have no idea. Maybe Sasha wants to talk about what happened with Hange to make sure it doesn't happen again. " I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, that would make sense." she nodded.

I smiled and asked Eren about his work, I am not going to make this more awkward than it needs to be.

"So how are things going on in the clinic? "

"Like usual, although there's more people coming in now because of the yearly flu, but other then that it's like it's always been. "

"How come you became a doctor? " Levi asked which surprised me.

"My dad was a doctor and so was my grandpa. I've been in the clinic since I was a kid, it just felt natural to go in that direction. "

"So you became a doctor because of your family. " said Levi.

"I guess. " Eren chuckled. "But it's not like I didn't want to, I love being a doctor, I would have probably joined the military if I didn't become a doctor to be honest." he scratched the back of his neck.

"So no matter what you would pick a hard job. " I chuckled.

"Yeah, pretty much. " he smiled.


We entered the house and I sat on the bed, that was exhausting on a emotional level. Nothing went wrong, thank God, Levi and Mikasa stayed away from each other, but then again we had a doctor in the house so I wasn't very worried. I pretty much made Eren talk about his family and work or I would talk with Mikasa. Levi didn't talk all that much but he never turned down a question which was good. He would mostly talk about his work, I can only hope that I won't have to go through that again.

"That wasn't so bad. " Levi said and took off his coat and shoes.

"Yeah, it wasn't, although you could have tried to make things less awkward. " I glared at him and took off my coat and shoes as well.

"I guess, but I wasn't in the mood to go in the first place. " I rolled my eyes and placed my coat behind the door.

Before I could turn around Levi picked me up and placed me on the bed with him on top of me. I rolled my eyes and laughed while he kissed my neck, guess he doesn't want to think about the dinner anymore.


So I re-watched AoT and can I just say... Jean is a fucking amazing character. I don't know why but I really like him, like, he's my second favorite character, I like him. I want him to be the next commander of the scouts. Am I asking for too much? Probably but damn I really don't remember Jean being such a great character.



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