2. Sick

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I looked outside bored out of my mind. The brat was sleeping next to me. Today was her last day here and I didn't know how to feel. I enjoyed the company and the fact that she didn't bother me like people used to do back in France, or sometimes here.

I looked at her. I was thinking whether or not I should let her stay with me. She's really weak and thin, I'm not trying to be pessimistic but I don't think she will survive more than five months out there on her own. 

I don't know for how long she's been like this but adding to the fact that she doesn't eat properly at least once a week I'd say she doesn't have much time left. She also sleeps allot. From what she told me she is a very light sleeper but I think that's how she remembers her self sleeping before taking it to the streets. 

People have been making noises and cars have been passing by for three hours and she hasn't even noticed. Looking her over I check to make sure she's alive and she finally starts to wake up. 

"Morning brat. " she rubs her eyes and starts to stretch. 

"Morning. "she is rubbing her head. 

"You still have a headache? " I was slightly concerned, she has had a headache for two days now and it won't go away. 

Nodding her head she berries her face in my pillow. I gave it to her because of the headache thinking it could be from her sleeping on the floor but maybe things are worse than I thought. Letting out a sigh I give her a sandwich to eat and got up. 

"Where are you going? "She asked. She looks sad, maybe because she has to leave. Maybe she doesn't. 

"I'm going out. " I started putting on my shoes. 

"Oh...  Well I'll finish this and I'll leave. " she started coughing. She needs medicine. 

"I'm going out and you are not going anywhere. " I didn't look at her, if I didn't help her she would be dead within months. The headache, the coughing, her appearance... When was the last time she took a shower? I'm not heartless enough to let a person die, so I'll help her till she gets better. 

"When I came back I want to either find you asleep or reading under that blanket, understood? " I turned to look at her. She was looking at the sandwich like it was her doom. 

"Gonna eat it? " I pointed at the food. 

"My stomach hurts... " anything else? Her voice barely came out as a whisper. I didn't know what to do... I'm not a doctor, or even a caring person, I don't know how to approach this and if I'm not careful she might die. I honestly hope some miracle happens and I can get her some medicine. 

"Ok... (Y/N) look at me. " I was speaking quietly because of her headache. I started rubbing her head to sooth her. She looked up to me her eyes half way open. She needs a doctor, but that's a luxury I can't afford. "I'm going out and when I came back I want you to be asleep under the blanket OK? " she nodded slowly. "And please try and eat at least half of it. " again she nodded and I got up and left. 

First stop was a small alley in between some apartments. Sometimes clothes, with money if I'm lucky, drop down and I take them. Looking over I saw some black pants and a jacket. Wow I got really lucky. 

Trying on the pants they were kinda big on me, but still allot better from what I had before. Checking the pockets, I found nothing. Grabbing the jacket and putting it on it was small on me but I could still close it to hide my dirty shirt. 

As much as I hate dirt I don't have a choice if want to not freeze to death. Checking the pockets, I again found nothing. At least I looked clean and presentable unlike before. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now