1. Homeless

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I walked down the street thinking about finding a place to stay for the night. I heard from some people that it was going to rain later so I had to find a place to protect my self from the rain.

As I turned around to enter an alley I saw a garbage can and thought that it'd be a good idea to look for some food. I was skeptical because I haven't been feeling well lately. I get headaches and I feel really weak and tired. The only thing I want to do is sleep, but I hadn't eaten anything in the past three days so my stomach was yelling at me to put something in it.

After searching for food for about half an hour, I found some left over bread and ate it. It also had some cheese in it so this was heaven for me. I heard thunder in the background and started panicking because I didn't know where to go.

After wandering around for a few minutes I came across a nice place with what looked like a roof and a cloth to prevent the rain from going in the back area. Behind the cloth were cardboard boxes that served as bed, I guessed. It looked like someone else was living here so I thought about looking for another place but then rain started coming down.

I didn't want to disturb whoever lived here but I guessed it was another homeless person so maybe they'd understand and let me stay for the duration of the rain. Sitting down at the edge of the place I tried to make it so that the rain wouldn't get to me but also not to far in the little "house" as to not dirty it in case the person living here didn't want me to stay.

About ten minutes later I had started to feel tired and my stomach was hurting, there was probably something in the bread that I ate and now my stomach hurts. I tried to hold it in, not throw up, and about ten minutes after that without even realizing it I fell asleep.


I felt someone poking me and I wanted to get up. I was really tired though and had trouble opening my eyes. I started thinking about who this could be and remembered were I was. This was probably the person living here. I found myself thinking whether or not I should open my eyes or pretend to be asleep so he'd let me stay.

Unfortunately I was a good person and didn't want to be mean so with all the power I could master I opened my eyes and looked at the person in front of me. It was blurry but after a while I made out a figure.

Rubbing my eyes I looked again and saw a man with black hair and grayish blue eyes looking at me.

"Good, you're finally awake, brat, what are you doing here? " he asked standing up and walking further in, in the little house.

I took in he's appearance, kind of long black hair, short sleeved dirty shirt, brown pants to big for him and no shoes. I noticed a pair in the corner on the outside part of the house so I guessed they were his. Good thing my shoes were on the road, he didn't want to dirty the boxes he probably sleeps on.

He turned to me waiting for an answer. "I was looking for a place to protect my self from the rain and found this. " I pointed my finger to the place we were in. "I guess you live here? " he nodded turning around and looked in a little box in the far end corner.

As he was looking through it I asked the question because I really didn't want to leave in this rain." Can I stay?" he stopped and looked at me. " Just for the rain! When it stops I'll leave but please I have nowhere else to go. "

He seemed to be thinking about it and I was hoping that he'd choose to let me stay. Turning to the box and back at me again he gave a bottle of clear water. Where did he get this? Smiling I nodded my head as thanks and completely drank it because I didn't have clean water in forever.

"Your voice was rusty, when was the last time you had clean water?" he sat down with one hand on his knee.

"I don't know... Five months maybe?" I had honestly lost count. After I spoke I understood the difference. My voice was a lot clearer, I had forgotten what I sounded like.

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now