15. Cleaning

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Warning : this chapter contains sexual content. Not smut but still sexual. If you don't feel comfortable reading this type of stuff feel free to skip this chapter. 

In case you skip, the important stuff you should keep in mind is that in this chapter Levi cleans the bathroom and you have a shower together. That's pretty much it.

... Please don't read, it's bad. 


(Y/N) left and I was home alone again. I really can't describe how much I appreciate everything she got me today. But most importantly, her. I want to repay her but I don't know how. I want to give her a nice house that will actually keep us warm instead of this cold place. I will desperately try and find a job when the year change. 

I let out a sigh and got up to put everything she bought in place. Plus I want to see what she got since she didn't show me everything. I went through the bags and saw that, in fact, everything was for the bathroom. 

But I couldn't put them in there places just yet. 

The bathroom was dirty and needed to be cleaned. I opened the package with the sponges and I grabbed one. I also took the Windex and headed to the bathroom. I let out a sigh the moment I stepped in. 

Where do I start? 

The shower perhaps? It's against the wall so it would make sense to start there and work my way outside. 

I stepped in the shower and put on the gloves. They went above my elbows because of my short arms but that just means better protection for me. I took the sponge in my hands and put some Windex on it. 

I started with me walls of the shower that were covered in tiles. I just watched as the bubbles the Windex produced became black and I cringed at the sight. It was so disgusting I stepped away from it so it wouldn't get on me. 

After finishing the first wall I went to clean the other two but first a stood for a couple of seconds and marveled at my work. The wall was now completely white unlike before when it had a brownish color to it. 

I felt myself relax a bit, my OCD being a little satisfied because of one, simple, clean wall. I turned back and started working on the other two walls because I had to get this done before (Y/N) got home. 

She's the only one working and she also bought me all this stuff today. It's thanks to her I'm not as miserable as I used to be and I want to show her my appreciation for her and the only way I can do that now is by giving her a nice warm shower when she gets home and a lot of cuddles. 

Today she is going to have a warm shower and she is also going to be properly cleaned with shampoo and soap after I don't even know how many years. I want her to come here and get the feeling of her being in a nice warm home. 

I want her to enter the bathroom and see the towels properly placed on the hook that's on the wall. I also have to clean that. I want her to see the shampoo on the little shelf in the corner of the shower, I want her to see the toothpaste and toothbrush on top of a nice clean sink.

And dammit, I want her to be able to sit on the toilet and take a normal shit.

Without realizing it I saw that I had finished cleaning both walls. For how long have I been thinking about her? I also cleaned the little shelf in the corner and I opened the shower. I stepped out and pointed the shower head on the walls for any extra dirt to go way. 

I really quickly bent down and did the floor of the shower to make sure we wouldn't have a problem stepping in it barefooted. After that I also threw some water on it and turned around to clean the sink. 

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