17. Family

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It's been a couple of days since Levi went out with Erwin and his friends and ever since then Erwin and Levi leave almost every day somewhere and he won't tell me where. I gave up trying to find out where there going two days ago. 

I was in the cafeteria taking orders and serving customers trying to ignore the feeling I had about Levi not telling where he goes. Maybe I'm overreacting? I mean my mood swings have been all over the place. Two days ago I threw Levi out of the house, in the rain, because he simply said that it was cold. 

For some reason I thought be blamed me for it because I still hadn't bought an extra blanket and threw him out of the house. Ten minutes later I started crying because I felt guilty and I missed him and I started yelling his name like my life depended on it. By some strange miracle he didn't get wet and he run back inside the house and we cuddle. 

For, like, five minutes because then I felt like I was on fire and pushed him away. It was ridiculous. 

Today so far has been nice. If I ignore Levi. I woke up and got dressed in my new clothes and I put on some makeup. Nothing too dramatic but it felt nice to actually get ready for work and not fear that I'll get fired because I'm not dressed properly. The best part was when I finally put on my bra. It felt so good to finally have support. 

I sat down on the only empty table where another waitresses was siting trying to relax as well. The girls name was Mikasa. I hadn't talked to her a lot but I knew the basics about her. 

"Hi. " I said placing my palm on my forehead. 

"Hi, " she let out a sigh. "It's been so busy these days. "

"I know, it's ridiculous. Why is it so crowded? "I looked at her. 

"It's the holiday season, every year it's like this. Good thing we close on the twenty fourth. " she looked at the costumers not really caring about our conversation. 

"Mmmm. What are you planning to do for the holidays? " I wanted to talk about something to take my mind off the job. She just happened to be my victim for now. 

"I was planning to go to Japan but I decided against it because I don't have any important family left there. " she still didn't look at me. 

"Your from Japan? " my eyes widened. 

"Yeah... " she rested her chin on her hand. 

"What's your last name? " it would be something that sounded Japanese and I was curious to see what it was. 

"Ackerman. " 

I didn't expect that. That's Levi's last name and he did mention he had some relatives in Japan. It couldn't be that they are related, right? 

"Ackerman? " I needed to be sure I heard correctly. 

"Yes. " she looked so bored. 

They look a little similar too. Black hair, grey eyes and both dead in the eyes. Could it be that they are actually related? 

"Do you happen to have any relatives in France? "

"Yes. Why do you ask so many questions? " she looked at me, clearly annoyed. 

"Because my boyfriends last name is Ackerman and he is from France. " I explained to her. 

"Oh, " she looked very interested all of the sudden. "Is his name perhaps Levi? "

"Yes. Do you kn-" I was cut off by the feeling of two arms wrapped around me. 

"What about me? " a deep voice said and I felt lips on my ear. 

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now