32. Looking For Houses

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I was sitting in a chair at the cafe waiting for Levi to come from work. He had called me earlier and told me to stay at the cafe and wait for him. I didn't mind because the weather was bad for a change so I was glad I didn't have to go out. 

Note the sarcasm. 

While waiting I thought about ordering something for us to eat. It's been a while since we last ate a proper meal. After I ordered our food I was going through my phone when I heard the chair in front of me being moved.

Looking up I saw Levi sitting down with a folder in his hands. I put the phone down and smiled, he didn't return it because we were in public but he did reached and touched my hand.

"Hi. "

"Hi. " he  squeezed my hand.

"How was work?" I squeezed back.

"It was fine, nothing crazy just paperwork. You? "

"Same as always. " just then Mikasa came with the order.

She placed it on the table, looked at Levi and placed a hand on her hip.

"What? " Levi asked, clearly annoyed.

"Nothing, just wondering when you were gonna talk with your mother. " she raised an eyebrow.

"I already talked to her, you stupid brat. " Levi rubbed his eyes.

"I mean again, she's worried and she hasn't talked to you in almost two months. I'm tired of her calling me every week asking how you are because you're being a kid. " she raised her voice a little. Luckily we didn't draw attention.

"Tch, what I do with her it's not your business. Now leave. " Levi ordered.

Mikasa rolled her eyes and left without a word. Levi sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"You okay?" I asked him as I took my plate.

"Yeah, I'm good. " he also took his plate. "I brought some houses for us to look at. There not big, most of them are just a room but that's the best we can do for now. " he took a bite from his food.

I quickly swallowed and smiled.

"That's nice, how much? "

"The most expensive one is three hundred but we'll have to give the owner the first three months at the beginning so nine hundred and we won't have to worry about paying for three months. That goes for every house. " he kept eating while talking to me.

I nodded my head and we kept eating and talking about other stuff. We could focus on the finding a house after. When we ended we also ordered dessert and Levi came and sat next to me. The folder was in front of us and we went through the different pictures.

I was really excited and happy that we finally took the next step in our lives. Not relationship, lives. We both have been living on the streets for years so to finally be looking for a house was a huge step. It's a big step for everyone, yes, but our situation puts more weight to it.

We spent about two hours looking at houses and picking which ones we were going to see. We would probably go and see them next week. We had the money for the houses we had picked and by the time we would move in both me and Levi will be payed.

We had five and Levi would arrange the meetings so I didn't have anything to worry about that. I leaned my head on Levi's shoulder as he picked up the papers from the table, when he finished he rested his arm behind my chair.

"What is it? " he asked me.

"Nothing, you wanna go home? " I looked up at him.

"We can't, you start work in an hour. " he messed with my hair.

"Really? " I raised an eyebrow and looked at the clock. "You're right. " I sighed.

Levi didn't say anything and we just sat there for a few minutes wrapped in silence. I thought back to what Mikasa had said and I looked up at Levi.

"Why don't you call your mother again? "

"I don't have something to say to her." he shrugged his shoulders.

"You seriously expect me to believe that? "

"I don't want to talk to her. " he looked at me.

"Levi you cried. "

"And? "

"And? Both you and I know you want to talk to her. I won't force you to tell me what happened between you two but you're both clearly sad about not talking to each other, you can talk to her you're just letting your pride get in the way. " I was a little upset with his behavior. He's acting like a kid.

"Why do you want me to talk to her so badly? "

"Because she won't be here forever. You already lost so much time, don't go out of your way to avoid her. " I remember how sad I was when my mom died and I didn't get to spend so much time with her. I don't want him to go through the same.

He didn't say anything and just leaned back looking at the ceiling. As we stayed in silence I kinda started regretting what I said. It's not my family, he can do what he wants with his mother, it's his choice not mine.

"Look, " I started and he looked at me. "You don't have to do what I say, it was just a suggestion."

"No, you're right but I really don't know what to say to her. " he looked at the table.

I couldn't help him there, that one was entirely on him.

"You can think about it, you don't have to call her now. You can do it tomorrow or the day after. But just let her know you're okay. " he nodded his head.

I'm sure if we were home now he would bury his face in my neck but he couldn't do it now. We sat and talked about Levi's work for the rest of the hour until I got back to work and Levi left.

When I opened the door to our room Noir came up to me and I picked her up. I saw that she had dirtied her box again and I decided to clean it for a change instead of waiting for Levi to come back from work tired. Yes I was tired too but he does it everyday.

"Why do you keep pooping? " I asked Noir in a child's voice and she licked my cheek.

I laughed and placed her down. After cleaning her mess I changed and got comfortable in the bed. I read my book while waiting for Levi to come, which didn't take long.

The door opened and he came in. He looked really tired and I was glad I cleaned the box. He quickly got changed and laid next to me after he finished his business in the bathroom. I put my book down and turned to him.

"What is it? " I rested my hand on his cheek.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. " he quietly said.

"Then go to sleep. " I whispered and heard Noir make some noise in the background.

"Mmm, by the way I arranged the meetings for the houses. We'll go next week. " he whispered and closed his eyes.

"Okay. " I whispered back.

Before I could blink he grabbed me and placed me on top of him, his arms were around me making sure I wouldn't go anywhere.

"I'm holding you tonight. " he said.

I didn't mind, I just nodded and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.


Short chapter but you're getting three this week because of Valentine's so shush.



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