46. Celebrate

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I left the store with a bag in my hands. I had bought a few of the foods I wanted to eat again for years like cheeseburgers, hamburgers and other stuff. I wasn't going to try and cook again, at least today, I was really tired and I wanted to just go home and watch something on the TV. Too bad cuddling with Levi isn't an option. I'll have to wait for hours to see him. 

Anyway, I went home and I saw Noir peacefully sleeping on her little bed and some music was playing. Why Levi didn't turn it off was a mystery to me. Since Noir was sleeping I thought it'd be a good time to clean up her little sand box. It was dirty and even though I wasn't in the mood to be dealing with shit right now I knew that when she was awake I wouldn't be able to clean it. 

Wasn't Levi supposed to be cleaning her? 

I placed my food on the kitchen table, took off my coat, picked up the box and went to the bathroom to clean it. After that was done I put on my pajamas and grabbed a plate and sat down on the bed. I went through the different channels looking for a movie to watch. Nothing interesting was on because it was five o'clock but I did find one that had just started playing. 

Toy Story.

I guess that will do. I picked up the first thing that was in the bag and opened it without even looking to see what it was and focused on the movie. It has been years since I last saw it, I was excited because from what I remember it was really nice.


The door opened and Levi walked in. I was still watching Toy Story, the third one now and it was close to ending. I smiled and said hi without even looking at him. I was too focused on the movie. He sat next to me after he took off his shoes. 

"Hello to you too." I could tell he was waiting for me to kiss him but I didn't take my eyes off the screen. I enjoyed it as well, teasing him like that. "Don't be so happy to see me, even Noir is more excited than you and she's exactly where I left her. "

"Shhhh, Andi is leaving them behind, come on its ending, I'll give you a kiss later! " I kept watching and he didn't say anything. When Woodie stood up and started talking and the movie ended I finally turned to him and kissed him. "Hi. " I smiled. 

"Hi, took you long enough. "

"I didn't know my attention had to be completely on you the moment you entered the house. I think I spoiled you. " I tapped his nose. 

"You haven't, I just want my kiss when I come in, it's not much to ask. " he also tapped mine. 

"Sure, how was work? " I sat up so that it was more comfortable talking to him. 

"Work was fine, like everyday, nothing interesting happened. But before I went, something did happen. " now I was interested.

"What? "

"I called my mom. "

"And? "

"And I have some exciting news. " I was listening closely. "So apparently the money I had left behind for my mom are still in tact and she said she will send them to me. So we'll be able to move to a bigger house sooner than planned. "

He took my hand in his. Sooner? How much is she going to send? 

"And... How much is she going to send you? Ten thousand? Twenty? " I guess that's a good amount. It will definitely help us. 

"Somewhere around sixty four thousand. " he calmly said. 

"How much? " my eyes widen. 

"Sixty four thousand. "

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now