26. Noir

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Fuck my life!

I woke up this morning feeling much better than I did last night and got ready for work. Levi would stay back to clean the place so after we had breakfast I quickly left because now we live further away from my job. Even though Sophia and the others didn't show up I had a good day at work and got fifteen dollars from tips. I run my ass off but I'm fine.

When I left the cafeteria I had some food with me and as I was walking I heard a small cute sound right as I was about to exit the parks. I went close and saw something I didn't need to see. I can barely support myself I don't need this. And there is going to be a storm tonight, a really bad one. I am planning to go and buy something cheap to warm us because we have electricity now but that's not what's bothering me.

What's bothering me is this small, tiny, cute, little kitten making cute little sounds and making me feel bad for leaving it out here. But I can't take it with me. I don't think it will sit well with Levi plus what am I going to feed it?

But the little sounds she made and the way she shivered from the cold really broke me. I opened the small bag in my hands and grabbed a pie. I cut a small piece and threw it at the small cat. She slowly reached with her mouth and ate it.

Maybe her mother will come and get her? Is it even a she?

I left the small cat that was still eating the piece and went to a store that sold electric stuff. I looked through the different heaters and grabbed a small one that costs seventeen dollars. I had more money on me from last month. I went to the counter and paid for the item.

That was the last thing I was going to buy. The rest of the money I get will be for a house, I won't spend any more money. I left the store and went to the shelter where Levi was. I went in and said hello to Elisa, the lady on the desk and went down the stairs to my room.

There was a huge difference between the temperature of the room and the rest of the building. The room was low so it was really cold and it only had a tiny window close to the roof but I wasn't complaining. It would be far worse if we were outside.

Levi was sitting on the bed with his coat, scarf and gloves on and was reading his book. He was a big fan of them but he only had two. He looked up to me and smiled. He got up and kissed me.

"You're late." He mumbled in my neck.

"I sent you a message." I chuckled. This guy can't stay more than five hours away from me.

"I know but you're still late." He looked at me. " What were you doing?"

I smiled and brought the small heater out of the bag. It was still in the cardboard box but he still understood what it was.

"Why did you get this?" He took the box. He wasn't angry, just confused because it wasn't necessary for us to have this.

But I wasn't going to just freeze to death.

"There is going to be a storm tonight and will most probably snow, do you think it would be nice for us to be in here without something to warm us?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why didn't you get that before?" He started taking it out of the box.

"Because we didn't have electricity before. Now we do." I pointed at the small square on the wall.

It was just one but it would do.

"Right, I forgot." He nodded.

He plugged it in and made it look towards the bed. I took off my shoes and sat next to Levi. Immediately I relaxed and enjoyed the warmth that came out of the device. I grabbed the bag with our food and gave one pie to Levi while I got the one with the cut piece. We ate and talked about work and stuff and eventually I fell asleep and he went back to reading his book.

Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now