33. Past (2)

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I let out a long breath and got off Alkistis, the "Mistress ". There I laid naked and she put her head on my chest and we just laid there for a couple of minutes. It had been two months since she took me in and I must say that it wasn't that bad. 

I had food, a roof, clothes and I got off. Only thing was that after our night sessions I'd have to stay here with her until she fell asleep, but even that didn't really bothered me. After waiting for half an hour she finally fell asleep and I got up. I quickly put on my clothes and left the room. 

It was three in the morning so the only ones awake were the guards. I went to my room and got in the shower, I probably spend thirty minutes in there before finally going to bed. There I laid in just my boxers thinking back to my time in France. 

I really wanted to go back, I didn't really like it here and I don't have anyone. Carla and the others are nice but I don't have someone really close to me. I looked at the clock and saw that I was laying there for an hour, the events that happened three years ago still on my mind. 

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, I could at least try and get two or three hours of sleep. Before I knew it I drifted off to a dreamless sleep. 


At eight o'clock Carla came in the room as always to wake me up. She always found dressed and ready to start my day and today was no exception. I was wearing a simple shirt and jeans. 

"Good morning Levi. " she greeted me with a smile. 

"Morning. " I nodded. 

"You ready to go? "

"Yeah. " I finished put on my shoes and left the room with Carla. 

We walked in to the dining room and I sat down in the huge table almost the size of the actual room. The food would be served in half an hour so I took a look on the wall, like I do almost everyday.  I kept noticing the picture of this one man, sometimes he would be with Alkistis but I didn't know who he was. 

There were multiple pictures in the house of him but I hadn't seen him anywhere. Alkistis walked in and the moment she sat down the food came in. 

"Good morning. " she smiled at me. 

"Morning. "

"How did you sleep?" 

"Fine, you? "

"Excellent. "

Our conversation ended there and we started eating. That's how our mornings were, every, single, time. Nothing happened while we ate, no words were exchanged. Once we finished eating we sat there her drinking her coffee and me my tea. 

I took a breath and turned to her. 

"Who is that man in the pictures? " I asked her bored. 

"What man? " she raised an eyebrow. 

"That man. " I pointed at the picture. 

"Oh, him. That's my husband. " she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"What? "

"That's my husband. William. " she took a sip of her coffee. 

"Why do you need me if you have a husband? " I wasn't really angry. Just confused. "I thought you said you didn't have anyone. "

"And I don't. " she placed her coffee on the table and sat on my lap. "He's always away on trips doing business. And it's not like he's the most loyal husband either. " she started moving. 

"Still though, what if he comes back?" I eyed her. "What will you say about me? "

"I'll just say you're part of the staff." she leaned and started liking my neck. "Relax."

She came five times last night and she wants more. Seriously? I didn't really care about her husband, it's not my problem. It's like I'm getting paid to be here and give her what she wants. I picked her up and put her on the table. 

She started laughing as I started taking off her clothes. Soon her moans filled the room and both me and her didn't notice a figure coming in the room and sitting in the chair on the other end of the table. Finally we finished and she laid on the table breathing heavily while I just zipped my pants and sat on my chair. 

I still didn't see the figure because of Alkistis showing me everything. Just as she about to stand we heard clapping and we both looked at the chair on the other side of the room. I just had to open my mouth didn't I? There he sat, her husband. Yay, and he watched us too, so much for being part of the staff. 

"William?" she got up quickly and put on her clothes. 

I just sat there with no emotion in my face. I didn't really care about him being here, what's the worst he could do? 

"When did you come back? " she awkwardly laughed. 

"Just did, that was quite a performance you put up for me. " he took a sip of wine. 

Did he seriously also drink while watching us? 

"Yeah, ummm... " I looked at her. "I can explain. " I mentally facepalmed.

This line really annoys me. 

"You can explain. In my office. " he said in a demanding tone. 

She lowered her head and left, this was much different than the woman I knew. I wonder what their relationship is like.

"What's your name? " he turned to me. 

"Levi. " my expression didn't change. 

"For how long have you been here? "

"Two months. "

"Are you getting paid? "

"I live here. "

"That's your payment? "

"Yes. "

"Hmm. " he finished his wine.

"Go to your room then, I don't want you to come out until I say you can. " he smirked evilly. 

Two guards came in and took me by the arms. Soon they left me because they knew me but they only did when William wasn't close. It was made clear that he controls the house and everything and everyone around here so the only thing I could do is follow orders. 

And I hatted it. 

I entered the room and noticed that the guards stayed outside my room. What the fuck is going on? I couldn't do anything so I just sat on my bed and waited for someone to come. 




Homeless. {Levi x Reader} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now