"Yes!" | Japan × America |

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⁂ Japan x America ⁂



⇾ South Korea × America will always be my OTP ngl.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"Are we almost there?" Japan asked, holding her eyes shut so she wouldn't spoil whatever America wanted. America nodded as he held the hand and led the blindfolded country over to the 'magical area' he'd been dying to take her,

"Yes, now stop. " he ordered, stopping her and letting her hand go. Japan looked around, trying to see if anything felt familer to her. Nothing really did. It was all new and different, but it was a nice and soothing different. America smiled towards her, despite her being blind folded and not knowing what he was doing, "you can take the blinde fold off now." he said, taking something out from behind his back. 

Japan did as told, untying the blindfold off. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands as America kneeled down on one knee to reveal what he had been holding,

"Japan, you're the most important, beautiful and amazing person I've ever met. Will you do me the honors of becoming my wife-"


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