"Insecurities." | America × South Korea |

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⁂ Amerixa x South Korea ⁂


|🇰🇷South Korea⇾Transgender + Transsexual Male|

⇾For my dear sister, Cecelia ( @-Cecelia ) and my lovely friend, Eden [ @EdentheEagle ]|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

America was paciently waiting for his boyfriend, South Korea to show up to the restaurant for their date. He had gotten there early just to prepare for them two, so it wasn't like South was late, but the suspense was killing him. He was the one who asked South out to begin with, so he should be prepared, but in no way was he. South was the love of his life, he 

"Hey, Ame." He heard his name being called by the voice he adored, making him snap his head in that direction,

"H-Hey!" He chocked on his words as South approached him. Despite the many things South was told to change about himself by others, America thought he was more than beautiful. More than stunning. He was just that perfect in his mind.

America watched as South sat down across from him and nibble on his top lip, making America instantly go to the conclusion he was having a small bit of anexity. Unfortunately, a way South delt with his anexity was by either scratching his arm or biting his lip. It seems innocent until he bleeds and then you're the one accused of hurting him, when sadly he did it to himself,

"Don't be scared." America said, taking South's hands into his, "And I think you look beautiful tonight." He added on the last part with a smile, making South turn his head to face him,

"No... No I don't..." he responded, alarming America quite a bit,

"Can you stop saying that? Look in a mirror and you'll see something gorgeous looking back!" He said. hoping to get something out of him,

"Yeah, if you're standing behind me." Both disappointment and frustration rose up, but America refused to let that get in the way of his point. He wanted South to see the beauty he hadto offer,

"You're the definition of gorgeous, Kyung." The human name being said sent a shiver down South's spine. He wasnt expecting it to be said in the venomous yet concerned way it was, "And I know this because I know you. Both inside and out, you're gorgeous, and why you think other wise is far beyond me." America sighed, releasing his hands from his and pulling them to his side,

"Sorry..." South mumbled, looking towards the ground as he tried process what had just happened. That was when America stood up, "Ame, what are you-"

"YOU SEE THIS GUY RIGHT HERE!" He yelled, standing up on his chair and pointing to South Korea. He earned everybody's attention, which was what he was aiming for,

"Ame- whatn are you-"

"WELL HE'S BEAUTIFUL! Thank you." And with that, he sat down,

"America. What the hell is wrong with you?!" South tried hiding himself in his wings, avoiding any eye contact the other people in ththe restaurant tried to do.  Many were smiling, others were giggled and a few people were annoyed their dinner was ruined,

"I'm just trying to get thr word out." America smirked at his lover's bright red and embarrassed face, 

"Well, you're telling them a lie..." South kept his voice a quite whisper. Such a quiet whisper, you barely knew he was speaking,

"No, you're telling yourself a lie." America fought back, pulling South's wing down to see into his eyes, "You're telling yourself the worst lie ever."

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