"Let me do this with you." | America × South Korea |

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⁂ America × South Korea ⁂

|Main Character⇾ 🇰🇷South Korea⇾Trans Male⇾he/him/his⇾165cm|

|Main Character⇾ 🇺🇸America⇾Male⇾he/him/his⇾183cm|

|Main Character⇾ 🇨🇦Canada⇾Male⇾he/him/his⇾182.39cm[oddly specific I know lmao]|

|Side Character⇾ 🇦🇺Australia⇾Male⇾he/him/his⇾175cm|

⇾ Angst/sensitive topic warning|

⇾ I freaking wrote this forgetting I had 3 other stuff to write. America × Russian Empire [g×g] is next, then Mozambique × Madagascar[g×g, and in my African Countryhumans Book], then Russia x Chosŏn [b×g]. I promise. I know I'm not very reliable with this stuff.|

⇾ Reposted becaus it wouldn't let me tag.

⇾Never expect to see Male Australia ever again by me. Just saying this now.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with South Korea] ═─◄█▓▒░

"What do we do?" America asked, looking down at basket on their kitchen table. Within the basket consider of a tiny baby, who most defiantly didn't belong to a country. South Korea checked its arm to make sure. Regardless if a countryhuman has a child and they represent a country or not, every child of a countryhuman has a mark on their arm which would tell you who it belongs to,

"South, you were born a girl, you should be nurturing." Canada said, looking over at his fellow partner. South tried to hide the fact on how those words stabbed him in the chest. 'You were born a girl' was something he never wanted to hear from somebody he cared for. He was born a girl. Not that he wanted to. It wasn't a choice he could create. Even thinking about himself as a female was awful enough but his own lover pointing that out too?

"I-I- Alright." He sighed, picking up the small child. She was 2 months at the least, 4 at the most. He cradled her in his arms as she slowly began to cry again. It was growing quite, but she was still crying. He wasn't sure if whether he should be the one to explain to Canada that his words hurt or not, but decided he should let it go. In the end, he gained no benefit from him. He was always the one who had to feel guilty in the end. But that was okay. Canada was happy, why couldn't he feel happy for him?

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with America] ═─◄█▓▒░

Despite it all, America could tell something was wrong. Something felt different. Instead of the happy couple his brother and South Korea used to be, Canada was happier than he's ever been hanging out with him and Australia, while South Korea seemed as if he was crying to get out of the relationship. He seemed as if every kiss he gave towards Canada was forced and took a lot of courage to do.

"South, you were born a girl, you should be nurturing." Despite those words having nothing to do with America, he felt as if his own world stopped. How could Canada be so foolish as to not see the pain replacing the concern on South's face. He felt awful for him.

"I-I- Alright." Once he held the baby in his arms, Canada and Australia began heading towards the door as if the problem had been solved. The whining coming from the baby said other wise,

"We need to go do something for UN," Australia said, although America could tell he wasn't happy with leaving. Canada was probably the one asking to go. It wouldn't surprise him if that was the case, "We'll be back soon. Call if you need us."

"Love you." America was more than shocked when South had said that. He thought everybody was shocked. But America knew every ounce of South's confidence went into that saying. Only to gain a nod in reply.

"You too." Then they both left. America felt both awful for South Korea yet angry. With that reply, it was no lie that Canada had completely fallen out of love for South. The moment they left, America reached out to take the baby,

"Let me take it. You shouldn't have to." He said. South let out a shaky breath, giving the wailing child to him, "You need somebody better," America said. South nodded,

"I know but, I don't want to be alone," he admitting, his voice more like a whisper. But his whisper was shaky and upsetting, "I don't want to go through life alone." America froze when the other began to get teary eyed. South took the baby back, wrapping his wings around it and instantly putting her to sleep. Despite the baby stopping it's wail, it didn't stop South from wailing himself, "He promised me when we first got together that he would always be there. He would always love me." He cried. But something about holding the baby in his arms made him feel somewhat calm, "But now look at where we are!" He wailed, turning around to move himself into America's arms. America gladly took him in, making small circles on his back and listening to every word thoughtfully until it was nothing but cries.

"Then I'll go through it with you." He said. South wiped his eyes, looking up at him with passion in his eyes,


"I'll go through life with you. Me, you, and the baby. You won't be alone. I'll help you." He repeated. He leaned forward a little bit so their faces were so close together they could feel each other breath. This was something South hadn't done in months with Canada. Eventually, America closed the gap between them, locking him in a kiss and placing his hands gently on the other's hips. For the first time in months, South felt loved. America could feel it.

"Isn't this cheating?" South asked, growing worried that Canada would get angry at him for doing this. America pulled him a little closer to him, placing a kiss of reassurance on his head,

"Not at all. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve better. I'll show you better. I'll be better."

"Can I name the baby Hye-Jin?" South asked, looking down the sleeping baby in his arms. America chuckled, looking down at her too. South's random questions was just one thing America loved about him. His curiosity and creativity. Everything was just perfect, and he was personally glad Canada had set him free because one man's trash was another mans treasure. In this case, Canada didn't realize how much the treasure he found was worth.

"Sure. Anything for you, Love."

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