"Tunisia." | No Ship |

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⁂ I just wanted to vent/rant a little bit so you can ignore this chapter. ⁂

|Tunisia ⇾Questioning Gender[afab]⇾she/her/hers|


░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Tunisia kept her legs close to her chest with her head gently resting on top of them. She hadn't been this deep in thought until she looked at herself in the mirror and wondered 'am I really meant to be a girl?' The question itself seems innocent until you're up all night wondering what went wrong in your life to make you think this way.

"Hey, Algeria." She muttered to try and gain his attention although never looked up from the ground, "Do you ever wonder if you aren't meant to be who you think you are?" She asked. She didn't even have to look up at Algeria to know he probably thought she was crazy,

"No." He replied, "Do you?"

"Yes." Tunisia replied almost instantly, squeezing herself into a tighter ball, "This just doesn't feel right." She explained, "I don't think I'm a girl, but I don't think I'm a boy either." She muttered. Algeria kept nothing but quiet to let her speak, "But I don't feel like they/them suits me. It's just all weird." She unsqueezed herself and closed her eyes to let out a small sigh, "Maybe I'm just going insane, but I don't think this feels right." She added, opening her eyes in the process. Algeria nodded,

"Oh." He murmured, although it was clear he didn't exactly understand. He didn't need to understand if Tunisia didn't either. Whatever was going on in her head was driving her insane, but she was convinced she would never figure it out.

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