"Boop." | Austria × Mexico |

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⁂maybe an Austria x Mexico but honestly I dont know what this is⁂

|Mexico⇾Transgender + transsexual Female|

|Austria⇾Transgender + transsexual Male|

⇾republished because I accidentally deleted it.|

⇾ Ironic, I see both Austria and Mexico as trans.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"I'm gonna boop-"

"Dont you dare-"


"Darn it..." Mexico crossed her arms, looking at the Austrian Male in front of her, a wide smile on his face. Austria giggled in responce to her 'darn it', enjoying the reaction he had gotten from her,

"Oh, come on! The only thing I did was boop your nose-" he teased. Mexico sighed, unfolding her arms only to place them by her side.

"Yeah, but you know I dont like that..." Mexico replied. Austria bit his top lip at her frown. He honestly hated seeing her so upset about something he had done. It was a joke, but to Mexico, he didn't seem to be.

"Alright, I'm sorry- Hey!" He stuck his tongue out at Mexico and mocked her crossed arms by doing the same when she placed her finger on the bridge of his nose. Mexico smirked,

"What, the only thing I did was boop your nose~" she winked. The two stared each other down before breaking into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Mexico wrapped her arms around her stomach as she laughed while Austria placed uis hand on her shoulder,

"We're so ridiculous-" He chuckled, looking into her eyes. Mexico nodded in agreement

"Haha yeah we are." she said before finishing up with her fit of giggles. Austria looked at her for a moment before smiling like a maniac. Mexico raised a brow, despite knowing what he was going to do. The facial expression read it all. 

"Don't you-"


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