"Til Death do us apart." | Egyptian Empire × Roman Republic |

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⁂ Egyptian Empire × Roman Republic ⁂ 

|Egyptian Empire⇾Female⇾she/her/hers|

|Roman Republic⇾male⇾he/him/his|

⇾I'm making up a fake war called the "Roman-Carthaginian War." It's literally just a random war for the storyline and I'm also making a fake OC just because I thought it would fit better. Basically the story is; Ancient Carthaginian and the Roman Republic get into war together for who knows why, and the Israeli Empire [which is the fake Empire I had created, meaning Egypt loses some of her lands although not much,] had joined Carthaginian after hearing Egypt was helping out. The two form an alliance and work together to try and defeat both Roman Republic and Egypt. Yeah, Israeli will only appear here. You won't see her anyplace else-|

⇾ Israeli Empire is Female. She's known for being mean and just overall cruel. I'm not writing a whole 250-word personality, but that's just the basic traits of her.|

⇾Ngl, my mind when starting this was all over the place lol. It could've gone in 5 different directions and I liked each one of them.|

⇾ The first half is kind of a sweet and caring chapter, but then after the time skip it gets a little, well, gorey I suppose- Overall, I think it's kind of a cringe ending lmao. It isn't my favorite.|

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Egyptian Empire placed the cup of coffee [I spelled this as foffee at first] down onto the nightstand then backed away to give the Male resting on the bed in front of her some space. You see, Roman Republic had gotten into a war and offered to help fight while Egypt had agreed to help out with the nursing. She wasn't keen on nursing for she hadn't really thought about it before, although she had spent nights and nights reading and learning about what to do to help out. Anything she could do to help out she strongly believed would make a difference.

The only problem was, was ever since one Male had collapsed into the nursing room one day due to an injured wing, Egypt had felt as if she couldn't do anything but focus on him. His whole left wing was tared off, leaving nothing but a gash where it uses to be. She felt awful about it, and the moment she was done with another patient, she instantly turned her attention towards him again to help. He wouldn't eat, nor move. He would just lay there, which, in her mind, wasn't good for him. Especially the no eating part.

"You can't lay there forever." She spoke up once everybody else had left and there was nobody else there to hear them. The other groaned and motioned his only wing in a shooing motion,

"Yes, I can." He replied, either not bothering to look at her or too weak to do so. Either way, it annoyed Egypt to the max that he never caught her gaze or even tried to do so. Well, she doesn't blame him. Eyes are the window to the sole. Anything can be revealed just by looking somebody in the eyes. That doesn't mean you have to avoid somebody though. Especially those who are your nurse and trying to help you. 

Egypt crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, walking closer to him so she was standing right beside the bed, "let me put it this way; you aren't laying there forever." She corrected, making Roman groan and roll over to give her a stern look. She expected him to say something although in the end he rolled over and moved the blanket on top of him. Egypt could hear a bit of a mumble although it was hard to make out what he had said. He was probably complaining. She moved the covers off of him making him growl and snap at her,

"Why can't you leave me alone?"

"I'm not letting you do this to yourself," she replied, a hint of both anger and stress rising in her voice, "If you don't eat, you starve. You starve, you die. It isn't fair!" She cried, throwing the covers back on top of him and turning her back toward him, "It just isn't fair," she repeated.

Roman Republic sighed and reached his hand out to touch her wing. At first, she tensed and almost pushed him away, although the more he touched it, the more she liked it, "Let's start over. I'm Marcus." He said. Egypt hesitated but eventually walked closer to him and sat on the bed. She smiled lightly at him.

"I'm Maia." She replied. Roman Republic returned her smile. It was a little one, but she still felt her heart grow a size when he gave her it, "I'm glad I could help you." She added on. Roman Republic nodded and grabbed her wing again, this time wrapping himself in it and closing his eyes gently. Egypt couldn't help but smile at him, gently placing a hand on his back and making small circles with her palm. She hadn't expected to get this close to a patient, but in the end, she won't complain.

《 Time-Skip to about a month later. 》

"Hey, Egypt." A voice behind her made Egypt jump out of her skin. She almost dropped the pot of tea although somehow managed to keep it firmly in her hands and turn around to see who it was calling her, "I'm back. I told you you couldn't run from me forever." The female barked, taking out something from the bag behind her back. Roman Republic instantly got up from his bed, something he hadn't done in ages so he almost tipped over, 

"Who are you?" He asked, staring at her. The female chuckled and shot her glare towards him,

"Egypt's worst nightmare." She replied. Egypt seemed too stunned to even responded. She attempted to say something only to chock on her own words, 


"Shut it." Israeli interrupted, "You've run long enough." She said, beginning to move closer towards Egypt. Egypt, as much as she wanted to, didn't run, nor flinch. She didn't bother. There was no point in doing so. If she ran, she would have to leave Roman behind and risk him dying. If she ran and took him with her, supporting him would risk them failing and both dying. The best she could do was wait. It wasn't until Carthaginian walked in that she knew they were doomed,

"Mordechai, I told you to wait." He warned, walking up to her. He stood behind her, a hand on her shoulder while he moved his head between Egypt and Roman. Roman Republic stared at him with a growl,

"Carthago. How did you find us?" He gritted, leaning himself against the nightstand by his bed. Carthaginian did a low chuckle, 

"You'd be surprised at the extreme we'd go through to get here." He simply said. Egypt widened her eyes when Israeli snickered along with him. Despite her backing up a bit to get closer to Carthaginian, she still felt this as a threat, "Plus, Mordechai isn't dumb. She knows how to do this." He added. Egypt stared at Israeli's hand as it traveled down his side and into the pocket where the revolver was sitting. She almost gasped to warn Roman although a shot through her temple said otherwise. She only let out a weak shriek, dying instantly from the wound. Roman was the one to let out the gasp, however, it was more full of rage than surprise,

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He muttered. He went to walk towards him only to fall to the ground with a thump and groan. Carthaginian chuckled,

"A lot of things." He replied. Israeli smirked, moving the gun from Egypt to Roman. She didn't hesitate to shoot the moment it landed on him. It went right through his head with ease. Israeli stared at the two of them with a light smirk, 

"They're dead, Carthaginian." She remarked, placing the revolver back into its place and walking out of the place. She didn't make a motion for him to follow, she just left, leaving him and the courses behind. Carthaginian nodded, turning his body around although kept his head locked onto Egypt.

"Til Death do them apart." He muttered, a small smirk on his face. He turned around to follow Israeli out. He was technically incorrect because when both were dead, death does them together.

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