"About Time We Left This Place." | No Ship |

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⁂ Britain is leaving the EU (original, I know-) and the British territories drive her insane ⁂



|🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Wales⇾Transgender + Transsexual Female|


|🇮🇪Northern Ireland⇾Non-Binary (SAB; female)|

|🇮🇲Isle of Man⇾Nonbinary (SAB; Male)|




|🇦🇨Ascension Island⇾Male|

|🇫🇰Falkland Island⇾Male|

|🇬🇸Pitcairn Island⇾Trans Female|

|🇮🇴British Indian Ocean⇾Male|

|🇰🇾Cayman islands⇾Male|



|🇹🇦Tristan Da Cunha⇾Intergender|

|🇹🇨Turks and Caicos⇾Female|

|🇻🇬British Virgin Islands⇾Non-binary (SAB; Female)|

|🇪🇺European Union⇾Intergender|

⇾this was supposed to be a Male!America x Trans Male!South Korea oneshot for my sister, but then she began talking about the UK and the EU I thought she would appreciate this more.|

⇾I needed all the territories to make this work, so just stick with me.|

⇾Tristan Da Cunha is the sister of Helena.|

⇾So, the EU is not all bad and I hope you know that. It's meant to keep peace through Europe, helping them gain easy treading access and a shared currency, but the UK has had some immigrant/boarder trouble with their country therefore they voted on leaving in 2016.|

⇾This has a little change of plot at the end, but still ends with Britain saying she's leaving the EU officially.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Britain looked at her territories, eyeing each and every one of them as she made her way down the line,

"Today, you guys are actually going to get something to do than be a side character." She began, handing papers out,

"Am I gonna get paid?" Scotland asked, looking bored as usual. Nothing our of the ordinary. Britain gave her a look,


"Then why am I here?" Scotland didnt seem impressed by the answer. England rolled her eyes at her sister's remark and slipped some of her coffee that was supposed to help her get through the day but was failing as she was exhausted still,

"Scotland, just shut up."

"Okay, little Miss.Perfect-"

"Dont you go there with me!" England got up from her seat, looking as if she could attack her,

"Both of you shut up." Britain cut them, earning England to snap back in her seat. Cayman giggled,

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