❝ But You Could Die ❞ || 🇺🇸 × 🖤💛🤍

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⁂ America × Russian Empire⁂

| 🇺🇸 America⇾Cis Male ⇾ he/him/his |

| 🖤💛🤍 Russian Empire⇾Cis Female ⇾She/her/hers |

► Requested by @Cajun_Yankee

► Edited 1/7/23

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

     America sighed as he placed the damn cloth on Russian Empire's fore arm and wrapped it around her to allow the cool water to clean her wound. He held it there with his right hand while his left reached out for a bandage and a softer cloth to dry. It was nearly midnight, just a few more minutes and he'll hear the grandfather clock in the other room strick to signal it's finally come. He should have been in bed right now. He should have been in bed for hours at this point and long gone. But no. Instead of sleeping, he was kneeled next to his sofa—already sleep deprived and living off of coffee—as his friend layed on it so he could help her with her injury. She'd been here since at least 22:00, what would another few minutes possibly do.

     Damn Empire for into another physical altercation, and it annoyed him to the max when she would come to him for help. Well, let me clarify, he didn't like her hurt. He hated seeing her hurt, seeing her cry,  seeing her suffer. But he also hated how often he was awoken to her asking to borrow a bandage, or to help her clean herself up, or to just listen to her rant about whatever happened. He had a life too, he was more than the therapist and needed his space as she needed hers. Not that she's understand.

     ❝ You have to stop doing this. ❞ He concluded, putting the very corner of the packaged bandage in his mouth so he could rip the plastic off. A good foot of bandages rolled out as he couldn't catch their fall but he stopped it with his foot and kicked it back to him. Russian Empire looked at him and out of the corner of his eye, he saw her roll hers.

     ❝ How come? ❞ She asked bitterly, or at least not happily. America took the wet cloth off her arm and dotted the wound with the dry one, not looking up at her the whole time. He actually hasn't look at her once since she first arrived. Some host he was.

     ❝ Because of this. ❞ he mumbled, running his finger lightly on the scar she had gotten from the fight. Russian Empire oohed when he touched it and he could feel her shiver lightly, but she only used her free hand to grab a bottle of wine he'd left out earlier that night prior to her coming. He'd forgotten to put it away after his visit from the French Empire so most of the bottle was already gone but he knew it wouldn't stop her. Why protest.

     ❝ And...? It's not like I'm dead. ❞ She protested, taking a long sip of the red wine. She cringed—probably because of its warmth and the fact its been out for a few hours—causing her to place it back on the side table and stick her tongue out. America felt a small sense of guilt rise in his gut.

     ❝ No but you could be. ❞ He let out a shaky breath as he wrapped her arm in the bandages and secured it. He gently lifted her hand up and kissed the back of it as a gesture he finished. He didn't quite release her though for her face twisted into a mix of annoyance and concern.

     ❝ But I'm not, ❞ she continued to protest against it, looking away presumable so he couldn't see. He got up and wiped a small tear away as it fell down his cheek, still refusing to even look at her in the eyes. He felt somewhat lucky she wouldn't look either.

     ❝ No... but you could die, and then who would I have? ❞ He choked on words, fighing back his erge to cry. He was over tired, bandaging his friend for the third time this week, and stressed with other things.

     The room remained silent becides for a few deep inhales and the grandfather clock striking. Midnight. Fantastic. 

    Neither even moved until Russian Empire grabbed his hand and kicked her legs off the sofa so he could sit him down next to her. She held onto his shoulders, causing an awkward aura of what would happen next between them. A moment later, she pulled him into a hug as she caressed his back and placed his chin on her shoulder.

     ❝ I'm sorry... I won't get onto trouble... ❞ she smiled even if he couldn't see it, leaning back to give him a reassuring kiss on his forehead. America grinned and let out another shaky breath as he continued the hug. His eyes drooped, resting his head being enough for him to believe her even though on a good day he would second guess. Russian Empire layed down on the sofa and dragged him with her as she closed her eyes too.

     Maybe. She may not get into trouble. No guarantees.

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