"That's what I love about this family." | China × North Korea |

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⁂ North Korea x China, but with slight Australia x Chosŏn and South Korea as the third wheel (sorry South-)⁂

|North Korea⇾Male|



|Australia⇾Transgender + transsexual Female|

|South Korea⇾Transgender + Transsexual Male|


⇾Family bonding moment!|

⇾this ends randomly lol.|

⇾ I see China as a female, so if I say she or her instead of he or his, I apologize.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"What if I don't want to admit it though?" Australia asked, looking over at her girlfriend who was attempting to get her to meet her family. Chosŏn sighed, 

"Aussia, my brothers aren't going to make fun of you." She reasurred, trying to push her taller friend in the door. Her brother was also transgender, so why would she be worried about North not being accepting towards her? 

"Angel, stop!" She squeaked, being met with a very confused China and North Korea,

"Uhmmm... Hi...?" He waved, raising a brow. Australia felt her cheeks go red from embarrassment, 

"Hello. I'm Australia, but you can call me Aussia..." she introduced, looking at the ground. Chosŏn walked in, a smile plastered on her face,

"She's my girlfriend! Now where's South, I want him to meet her!" She asked, excited to finally get her family meet the love of her life,

"He's in the basement drawing or doing whatever he does." China answered, not looking up from where he was. He picked up the 2 year old baby girl he and North had recently adopted from her crib. 

Because the two were both male, they weren't able to have kids like China really wanted so they adopted a girl named Nina from China (I am set on this being their daughter's name).

Chosŏn grabbed ahold of Australia's hand making her blush and dragged her into her room. North Korea wanted his triplet sister go with a small smile. He sighed at her behavior and turned to his husband,

"Shes a wonder." He remarked, touching noses with Nina. Nina giggled, reaching her arms out to grab onto North's hand, which he gladly allowed her to take. China chuckled, 

"Indeed she is." He agreed, nodding as he watched his daughter and lover play together. He handed Nina over to North who gratefully took her and held her close to him. 

North smiled at Nina as she played with the tie he had on,

"Yet I love her." He added on. China couldn't help but tease him,

"What, the baby or your sister?" He (not she- mental note) asked, a smirk following it. North rolled his eyes,

"Both. I love both." He replied, knowing it was a joke by the look on China's face. China giggled, kissing his husband on the cheek then his daughter on the forehead, 

"You're all wonders." He joked, placing a hand on his hip. North nodded,

"I know, but that's why I love this family." He stated, placing his daughter down on the floor to which she just clung on his leg, giggling uncontrolably,

China picked her,  holding her on his hip as he gave his husband a light kiss on the cheek.

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