"Forgotten." | No Ship |

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⁂ New Mexico is kinda just forgotten by the other states and America ⁂

|New Mexico⇾Female|


|Florida⇾Female)(although shes only mentioned once-)

|Texas⇾Transgender + Transsexual Female|


|Wyoming⇾Non-binary (SAB; Female)|


|Alaska⇾Transgender + Transsexual Female|

|Hawaii⇾Non-Binary (SAB; Male)| 

⇾Mama America for once forgot her children-|

⇾I will probably make a part 2 just so there will be more. I really failed this request badly|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

New Mexico sighed as she placed her pencil down on the the peice of paper she was writing on. 

It wasn't an easy day, that's for sure, and she was about done with everything and everybody.

America, her mother, was in the middle of serving the mid western states something to eat for dinner. She hadn't had a good day either. Florida was refusing to do her remote learning work and hadn't taken her ADHD medication so it was impossible to calm her down.

Texas decided to piss Oklahoma off to which the two of them had a fight. 

Luckily Oklahoma only left with a bruise in his shoulder, but if Wyoming hasn't interfeared, it would've ended badly for him,

"Hey, Ma', what about mine?" New Mexico asked as she sat down. America's eyes widened as she didn't bother looking up at the state she forgot to serve,

"Oh, shi- Shoot." She caught herself, looking over at Alaska and Hawaii who were happily eating their dinner, "I'm so sorry, here I'll go get you some." She said, getting up from her chair,

"It's her own fault." Nevada interfered, playing with his food more than eating it,

"Nevada!" California glared at him. Despite California being known for her selfishness and over confidence, she also wasn't one to let her siblings being talked about like that,

"What! She works all the time! Nobody can even remember her name!" Nevada continued, placing his hand on his hips, "Just watch. Ma's gonna come back in here and call her by another name." He explained.

After a few minutes, America came back from the kitchen with New Mexico's plate. She noticed how the tension in the air was filled with hate, but never bothered to question it,

"Here you go, Valentine- fuck. Here you go, New Mexico." America mentally scolded herself for calling New Mexico by Mexico's real name, but her brain didn't process the fact she was talking to her state, not her frenemy. Not to mention Hawaii and Alaska were probably looking at her as if she were crazy for swearing in front of them,

"Thanks, Ma." New Mexico sighed. Nevada smirked at California, 

"Told you so. Nobody can even remember her name." He said again, taking a bite of his food. New Mexico Mexico shurgged,

"I know it's confusing. I look just like her so I don't blame, Ma..." she mumbled. Although she wanted to forget Mexico, she knew with not only her name but apperance that she wouldn't be able to,

"Hey, I'm sorry. It was a rough day." America sat back down in her seat, letting out a shakey breath. New Mexico shook her head,

"It's okay, really." Although the lilie demeter determained that was a lie.

"Well, when we're all done, put your plate in the sink please." America said, getting up to go clean. New Mexico more played with her food, stirring it on the plate and poking it with her fork.

She felt hurt at the fact her own adopted mother forgot about her and called her by her ex-mother's name, but supposed it would get better.

It had to, shouldn't it?

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