❝ May I Help You? ❞ | 🇷🇺 × 🇺🇸 | [Edited]

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⁂ America is raising her daughter, Northern Mariana, on her own and Russia offers to help ⁂

| 🇺🇸 America ⇾Female⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇷🇺 Russia ⇾Male⇾he/him/his |

| 🇲🇵 Northern Mariana ⇾Female⇾she/her/hers |

► I love Northern Mariana ❤️ her name is pretty. |

░▒▓█►─═ third-person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

America sighed as she tilted her head back and away from the baby resting in her arms. After a few weeks of laying in the hospital bed, she was finally home with her Biological daughter, who she named Mariana after her oceanic commonwealth. 

It hasn't been easy, let her tell you that. She already had 50 other states—which none of them were biologically hers or else she would be used to the newborn stage—that she was looking after. While some live with other Foster parents, a majority stuck with her causing a huge toll on her. With the diversity between everybody running around, it was chaotic. A new baby didn't help.

Who's the father you may ask? She didnt know. I know, terrible of her.

Truth was, she wasn't even seeing anybody. Nor did she even think of a relationship. She'd gotten far too wasted at a house party one night and in return woke up nauseous for hour on end. As it grew worse over time, heartburn stopped her from laying down comfortable, and her craving forces foods she didn't even know existed started to pick up it was finally time to settle for the truth. 

While she prayed it wasn't what she thought it was, there was no denying it with the symptoms she faced. She worried for weeks about who the father was after confirming, staying awake late making mental lists about who it could possibly he but realization the father was the least of her worries hit her as she entered her 3rd trimester. All she knew was she had to figure out how to take care of a baby. After all, she'd never had one before.

All her states came to her as teens or adults even by the time she classified them states, as she didnt want newborns or children representing them. Even Hawai'i who was a late teen when she'd taken him.

Anyways, America cradled her little one and kept her close to her chest, humming nursery rhymes her mother did for her as a child. Sure, they were Cherokee rhymes since thats where her mother came from, but Mariana was too young right now to ever remember them in the future. The states were all at school or work at the moment so it was relaxing in a sense. No crying, no screaming, no arguments. Just her and the baby. For once in a lifetime.

Suddenly, somebody knocked on the door startling the poor baby making and her cry. Good feeling was gone. America herself even shrieked and bolted up to run to the door, rocking her crying newborn as she opened it.

"Please don't mind the baby," She stuttered on her words, speaking far faster than she usually. She didn't even look at who was currently at her door for she looked down instantly after opening it to place the blanket over Mariana's eyes to block her from the sun, fearing it would harm her. She then rock repositioned her up a little to rest her arm. Once the baby was calmed again, America looked up to get a good look at who was at her door, sighing, "Good afternoon... Russia?" She widened her eyes when she saw the taller one standing in her doorway, seeminly concerned. She wasn't expecting him in the slightest, speaking she hasn't spoken to him in years. At least spoken to him kindly.

But he still smiled. Not eveily, or a smirk like usual. He genuinely smiled and looked at the little girl in her arms.

"Good afternoon, United States. I came to see how you're feeling. I heard about the situation from Germany," he explained, clearing his throat and tipping his hat. She giggled, not because she found it awkward or weird... Well, she did, but that wasn't the reason behind her giggle... she found his formalness cute, polite. She liked it.

"Mariana is a good baby, she doesn't cry much... Although when you knocked she kind of did..." she explained, moving Mariana so she could hold her in one arm. Using her free hand, she grabbed Russia's hand and led him Inside, closing the door with her foot. "It isn't your fault. She's very sensitive to sound, she jumps at anything." She explained so he wouldn't feel bad about the situation. He only nodded, opening his mouth like he wanted to speak but hesitating.

"May I hold her?" He eventually asked, placing his hat back on his head. America smiled and uncovered Mariana's eyes so she could hand her to him. Instantly, Mari did her usual whine and reached for America, searching for her with her head. While Russia couldn't tell, America certainly knew her child and understood her behaviour meant another fit of unstoppable screams if she wasn't back to her.

"I'm sorry... She seems to be clingy." America sighed, taking her back. Russia sat on the sofa, which Ame followed not long after sitting directly next to him. She propped her elbow on the arm of the chair to support her arm as she moved Mariana to that arm and held her. Her arm hurt, quite honestly. She ffeltshe'd held this child for too long.

"May I help you take care of her?" Russia asked as he looked at America rocking a now half-asleep Mariana. She had a small hand curled up in a ball, placed on America's chest while the other was wrapped around America's finger. Her nose was nuzzled against her chest all while the new mother's eyes widened with mixed emotions as she looked down at her daughter. Mari sneezed quietly, crinkling his nose afterwards and moving so both his hands were wrapped around America's hands. It distracted Ame for a few moments, in such awe and aw to even respond.

"Of course! I'd love you to help. It'll take her a little to get used to you." She chuckled, leaning on Russia's arm. Russia chuckled and lowered his head on top of hers. Maybe the child wouldn't be so bad afterall.

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